Professional service

maggie Submitted this review about AmeriFreight Car Shipping
Review made Live: 3/17/2010 10:30:00 PM
AmeriFreight provides professional auto transport service. The representative I contacted is very nice and understood.He answered my dozes of questions with patience and explained their procedure in details. Because I have pretty tight time schedule to transport my car, I was concerned that he will not take my request as serious as I expected, which will bring me a lot of trouble. The fact is I was wrong. The company has a mature procedure to follow step by step. What I need to do is just tell him when and where I need the car to be picked up and when and where I want to get it back. Then I just followed his advice to start. He set up an open window for me and found a carrier at the exact time frame I preferred. Before moving to each step, he sent me an email (that is my preferred contact method) to let me know what they are going to do next and what I need to do. Besides the talk over the phone, their official documents listed all the things the customers need to follow. And all the documents are clear and formal. I checked emails when I forgot some details. He also sent me reminder email before big movement. Everything goes as exactly what I expected! AmeriFreight did save me time and money. They do as what they say. I am very satisfied with his service.