My deposit was refunded without any hassle

Mike Powszok Submitted this review about Able Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/19/2008 4:14:00 PM
I accidently booked with more than one company. I guess I got confused by all the broker's acronyms, AT, AAT, AAAT, etc. When I realized my mistake, I contacted Sheila and Dena at Able Auto Transport and explained my mistake to them and they refunded my $200.00 deposit without any hassle. That's right, no hassle. How refreshing. I sadly ended up going with the other company becuase I had already called them and confirmed my reservation with them. However, based on the honesty, integrity and actions of Able Auto Tranpsort, Sheila and Dena Plant, I would recomend them to anyone. Thanks.