Corrupt and/or Incredibly Incompetent

David C Submitted this review about Able Auto Transport
Review made Live: 10/30/2011 2:03:00 PM
I opted for the pay by check in full option in order to avoid any feels or COD balances since the car was being delivered directly to my mechanic. This was done by scanning and e-mailing the check. Able Auto's representative exchanged multiple e-mails confirming receipt and confirming that a follow-up fax of the check or mailing was unnecessary AFTER EMPHASIZING THAT THE SOONER I SENT THE CHECK THE SOONER THEY COULD START LOOKING FOR A TRANSPORTER FOR ME.

This was on Thursday and I selected a pick-up date from the car seller the following Wednesday. At the request of the seller, I contacted Able Auto on Tuesday to confirm whether any particular arrangements needed to be made by them and whether a transporter had been aquired.

THE SAME ABLE AUTO SALES REP claimed he had "no record of any payment being made" and asked me to send another payment. I instead simply forwarded the same stream of e-mails with the same attachment of the same check I had sent the previous week.

SO AN ENTIRE WEEK WAS WASTED of them having my payment-in-full-in-advance then them not lifting a finger to do anything to obtain a transporter.

The day after the initial requested delivery date, an Able Auto dispatcher called me telling me they found a transporter who could transport the vehicle for $40 MORE THAN THE AGREED PAID IN ADVANCE IN FULL price.

I refused and expressed my disatisfaction with Able Auto pocketing my initial payment without doing anything then trying to raise the price. (She shared my feelings and forwarded my complaints to her supervisors as well as personally contacting "100's" of transporters attempting to find a carrier on my behalf.) Only after numerous daily calls and my forwarding a lower offer from a competing company, did Able Auto find a transporter FIVE DAYS AFTER the requested pick up date (and 11 days after I had paid in full in advance "so they could get started as soon as possible").

After all this, two days after my car was delivered, my bank sent me notice that my checks were bouncing which it was discovered was due to ABLE AUTO WITHDRAWING THE SAME $585 CHECK TWICE out of my checking account! (This after asking me to resubmit my check claiming they never "recorded" the first payment.)

When Able Auto was confronted with my discovery, their "substitute" accountant took full responsibility for cashing my check TWICE in an e-mail and advised my refund was "being processed" but to contact her supervisor once I had talked to my bank.

My bank reversed their UNAUTHORIZED withdraw (this would be #2...keep count!) and when I called her supervisor per her e-mailed request, he was "unavailable" so I e-mailed him, per their secretary's instructions, to their "Sales Department Attention Lance [the supervisor's name]", as well as DIRECTLY to Lance as well as DIRECTLY to the "temporary" accountant (I replied to her e-mail). advising them that they did not need to do anything as my bank was reversing their SNAFU at our end and I would advise if there were any resulting penalties or fees Able Auto needed to refund. NO RESPONSE.

ONE WEEK LATER I get an after-hours phone call on my cell phone, from the same "temporary" accountant, telling me that she had refunded me but my bank had cancelled her original unauthorized second withdrawal, so now "they had nothing."

My bank then had to reverse their second unauthorized access to my checking account and reversed their unauthorized credit.

TWO DAYS LATER I receive an automated e-mail from Able Auto asking me to rate their service!

I DETAILED ALL OF THE ABOVE (as well as additional issues of their staff lying to me about not having any transporters available until I forward them a competing companies lower offer which get them to suddenly "find" a message SEVERAL HOURS OLD from a transporter wanting my car to be the last space on their truck).

Able Auto's response to my survey answers? A month later ABLE AUTO ELECTRONICALLY WITHDRAWS THAT SAME CHECK IN THE AMOUNT OF $580 A THIRD TIME out of my checking acount!! My bank placed a stop payment on it as well as against Able Auto, the THIRD unauthorized access to my checking account my bank has had to reverse upon my discovery.

I am forwarding all the documentation to the appropriate Better Business Bureau, Prosecutor's Office and State Attorney General's Office for investigation.