Damaged my vehicle, now not responding.

John Submitted this review about A&J Haulers LLC
Review made Live: 8/1/2012 3:59:00 PM
Vehicle was picked up at the service department of Tom Peck Ford in Huntley IL, driver did not have anyone inspect or sign off on vehicle. The service manager Chuck Gierlach informed me that he asked the driver to provide the signed bill of lading and inspection sheet before departure and the driver did not-Mr. Gierlach told me the driver simply took off with my vehicle not being signed for on the bill or inspection sheet.
On my original order I stated a drop day no earlier than Friday July 20th, as I was out of town for work until then. Mid-day on Thursday July 19th the driver calls and states that he is about an hour from being at my residence to deliver the truck. Upon informing him that I was in Minot ND and delivery was not supposed to be until the next day when I would be home, he then asked if anyone else would be at my residence to take delivery and pay the balance and I informed him that no one else lives at my residence. He then called his dispatch office and they stated they would still drop off the vehicle and that I would have to go to their office the next day to pay the balance due and get my vehicle key.
This is an instance of good customer service from this hauling company, but the rest has not been good.
Upon arrival home on Friday July 20th, my truck was parked in the driveway, drivers window was wide open, batteries were dead, garage door remote clearly visible on visor so anyone could have opened my garage during the time it was sitting there.
And on top of that the front of the roof was mashed in. Called the office, informed them of the damages and the person answering the phone stated he doesn't know anything about it, and maybe it was already damaged when they picked it up. I informed him that prior to transport, I had taken a date and time stamped photo of my truck in the lot at Tom Peck Ford, and there clearly was no damages on the truck. He then stated he couldn't do anything and that I would have to talk to "John" then next day.
Went to A&J Haulers offices the next day, paid the balance due in cash with "John" and asked about how they will handle the damages. He claimed to not have been informed that there was any damages but they will take care of it for me. He also stated I will have to speak to the owner "Brian" on Monday and he will leave him a message.
Called and spoke with Brian who said to bring them my truck and they would fix it-informed him the reason for transport was because of mechanical engine failure and doesn't drive right now. He then said when I get it driving bring it up to fix. Informed him that I would choose shop where it would be repaired as I am affiliated with the collision repair industry (not to mention Minnesota law) and he asked for photos and an estimate.
Took numerous photos and obtained a preliminary estimate and sent to him on Monday July 23rd. No reply from Brian.
Resent on Tuesday July 24th, again no response.
Called and spoke with Brian on Friday July 27th and he stated he had been out of the office all week and had not yet looked at it, but would that afternoon and call me back.
Did not call back.
Monday July 30th, sent another message requesting status, again no reply.
Contacted their insurance agent from the information provided by the originating broker and she stated that she also had been trying to follow up with Brian and has been receiving no replies either. She did state that the one time she had spoken with him, he indicated that he would take care of the issue without filing a claim.
As of today, Wednesday August 1st, still no reply of any sort from Brian at A&J Haulers LLC.