Worst Customer Service ever, lies and doesn't let you speak

Peter Submitted this review about AAA Available
Review made Live: 7/25/2013 5:22:00 PM
NEVER USE THIS COMPANY. It is a man named Al and a few workers or just his wife, their team goes under many names like AAA-Available and QuickTime Movers. On a Friday, I ordered my car to be picked up. The person on the phone, Irene (if she even exists), told me that QuickTime Movers is a carrier company with their own trucks even after I asked if she was a broker, she said no! I told her I needed the car picked up by Monday and she said she can do that but I knew that it would probably be by Tuesday latest. She said the price is $600 total and I have to make $175 out to the company now, so I did. I asked her specifically that I have to pay a remaining balance of $425 to the driver and she said yes. I asked her again to make sure and she said yes. She seemed so kind at that moment so I believed her without studying the invoice and contract. I read and looked through both but didn't analyze every detail. On Tuesday, I noticed the car wasn't picked up and called the company, getting a mean old woman on the phone. She just handed the phone to the scumbag of the Earth, Al. This guy did not listen to a thing I said, and not once did he let me finish my sentence. He talked over me and started whining over the phone 'Oh man, oh man I can't believe these people'. All I wanted was to know if the car was picked up Tuesday or Monday. I never found out, he just pretended to call the driver and told me the driver hung up on him, then he said he should be charging me an extra $250 before he said bye! When the driver arrived Thursday, the driver said I have to pay him $550 because that's what the broker said. They promised me all I had to pay was $425 to the driver because I already payed $175 of the $600. I got on the phone with Al and he said I have to pay $550 or else the driver takes the car and keeps it. I told Al I had a contract stating that the quote price was $600. The problem was that I had an invoice saying the quote price is $600 and I must pay the $175 to the broker right away, the actual contract stated that I payed nothing to the broker and a $600 fee was left to pay! There was no proof that I already payed the broker's fee on the contract or invoice, nor was there a deduction of that fee from the $600, as was promised. When I tried to mention this to Al, maybe 10 times, he would break me off every time with a bunch of BS "It's in the contract!", "People don't read nothing these days! They just sign it and don't read anything!", he talked to me like he wanted to fight me every time I was on the phone, this is because he's lying and can't be calm and say something that makes sense because that would reveal that he is wrong. I guess it is my fault for not studying the contract in detail and trusting this company. I payed the driver because it wasn't his fault and it wasn't that much more money but don't ever use this lousy, illegal, and scheming company. And if you do, make sure you get a contract and invoice of ALL the promised numbers in written proof. I doubt that will do much because they will just threaten you with taking your car back anyways and there won't be anything you can do about it. That's the game they know and only game they can play.