Pay a premium and you get the same cheap crap.

Damien Submitted this review about AA United Auto Transports Inc.
Review made Live: 1/22/2007 8:05:00 PM
I chose United Auto Movers over several cheaper quotes from other companies because I wanted to avoid the headaches involved in having your car moved. I paid 250 dollars and still got screwed. When the truck driver first started to jerk me around I was willing to go along with whatever the driver wanted in order to get my car, even if it meant finding a way to get to another city in order to pick up the car when I pad for door-to-door service. When the driver continued to jerk me around I protested. He was full of excuses. First, he claimed that 18-wheelers weren't allowed into San Francisco. Gee, that's interesting. Last time I checked there was a major interstate running through the heart of the city! Surely an 18-wheeler is allowed onto the interstate (something that's guaranteed by the dormant commerce clause of the united state constitution, fyi). Second excuse: the clutch was broken and couldn't be reloaded onto the truck. Ok, why did the car come off of the truck in a nearby city instead of being driven to San Francisco like I paid for? And if the clutch was broken and the car couldn't be moved, then how did the driver intend to get the car to his cousin's shop for the necessary repairs as the driver so kindly offered to do? You see, the driver informed me that his cousin could do all the needed repairs for a big discount! Oh joy! Of course when I finally picked up the car (in the other city) I discovered that the clutch was, in fact, in perfect condition. I also found it interesting that the driver of the truck offered to pick me up at the local train station and drive me to where my car was. Why is that interesting? Because it was someone else's car that the driver chose to use for the task. That is, unless that $45k Volvo with Penn plates was his own, which i sincerely doubt. I feel for the owner of that vehicle too.
I could go on forever. Have no doubt, there's more I could describe. I haven't even begun to describe the hassles he gave to my family upon pick-up.
Avoid this company.
Go with the cheapest quote you can find, or else pay the premium in order to use FedEx. Anything else is just more money for the same poor service.