Cross Country Auto Transport

Neal Berndt Submitted this review about AA Auto & Home Movers
Review made Live: 8/31/2009 5:11:00 PM
AA-Automovers is by far, one of the most disreputable, dishonest, and misleading companies I have ever had the displeasure of attempting to do business with! I was shipping my car to a buyer in West Virginia who chose AA-Automovers based on their promises and assurances made by a reservations agent named Nick DeEsposito, Extension 313, that the car could be picked up quickly, and shipped efficiently, and with excellent customer service in the process. Nothing could be further from the truth! After several phone calls to AA-Automotive by both the buyer and myself regarding the hopeful progression and expedited pick-up and shipping of the car, we got absolutely nowhere. We were lied to, totally misled, put on hold, cut off or hung up on altogether. Customer Service was non-existant! Enough was enough so we canceled the order. I sent two e-mails requesting cancelation and no response was ever acknowledged or received. Also, a faxed cancellation order went unanswered. On top of all this, they charged a $100.00 fee for canceling the order due to the fact that AA-Automovers is, and was unable to fulfill said contract due to the unkept promises and outright direct misrepresentation by one or more representatives of the company!

Certainly not a company I could recommend to anyone. I also filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau of New Jersey. They ripped us off for $100.00 and we didn't even get kissed!

Company Response
Mark from AA Auto & Home Movers Submitted this response.
Response Date: 9/1/2009 10:52:00 AM
Neal and Bill were pickup contacts in CA. William Miller, the billing customer, cancelled the shipment on 8/19 and acknowledged the $100 cancellation fee. When he reviewed and signed our Terms on 8/12, he approved this charge and when he cancelled on 8/19 he stated that he understood the $100 charge applied. Neal, this site is intended for adults, not children.