Started Out Uninformed But Good, Ended Ugly

Lauraine Brison Samuels Submitted this review about A1 Shipping Services
Review made Live: 5/24/2005 10:56:00 AM
Contacted A-1 Shipping Services based on responses that I received regarding overseas shipping to Jamaica. At the beginning while the brokering was going on communication was good to above average. However, once I made a commitment to go with A-1 I became very involved with my shipment because they didn't seem to know much about the Jamaican requirements for importing cars. I gathered information from the Jamaican Import Board and furnished A-1 with it and, additionally, I provided them with the website address for their reference. This deal took a long time to put into place because of the import guidelines, however, I trusted A-1 to do a good job. I paid them the fee that they asked for and when my car got picked up from Pgh to be delivered to the port in FL is when everything went down hill. Even after receiving my funds, A-1 provided a bad check to the port and my car was taken off and put back on the boat three times waiting for funds to clear. I made arrangements to meet my car in Jamaica. I was there but the car never got there. I flew back to FL, picked up my car, drove back to Pgh and have been trying to get an agreed upon refund since 4/14/05. The port did eventually get their money (but it was taken out of my fee). I received a partial payment which bounced (it just got cleared up on 5/16/05). I received another partial payment through a personal money order (even after continually requesting a certified check) and I'm still waiting for the rest. Low and behold! I'm not getting returned calls, I just found out they moved their offices and no one knows who runs the company so I can send a formal letter of demand. I reported them to the Attorney General's office but all they do is register the complaint. There is a lot to be said for communication or the lack thereof!!!