Robert Submitted this review about A Eastern Connection
Review made Live: 8/19/2008 6:28:00 PM
The Owner and the lady answering the phone should be LOCKED UP IN PRISON AND THE KEY THROWN AWAY. As what many previous reviewers stated, I to had my account debited for the full amount after 4 days. That is called Stealing. Then when I called to tell them what had happened, a NUTJOB, INSANE, CON-SCAM ARTIST, and THIEF named John got on the phone and proceeded to Yell at me the customer and Cuss me out without even letting me speak. HE IS CRAZY!!! But what he didn't know is that I am Crazy to when you STEAL my Money so I contacted my Bank and they did an Investigation into the Company and the $990 they stole from my account. Within 2 days they had took the money back from this companies account and credited the money back to my account. Then a few days latter out of the blue I get a call from this NUTJOB John again yelling profanities at me and telling me he was going to contact the Fraud Dept. I told him I knew he would be mad because I got my money back and he could not steal it from me anymore. He proceeded to continue with his BS and then hung up. I then immediately called my bank and advised them of this conversation and they checked my account only to discover he tried to steal the money 4-5 more times and they denied the charge. Which means instead of him stealing the money from me, he cost himself about 6 Returned Check fees totaling at least $174. LOL. I can just imagine how pissed he must be now and can do nothing about it. Anyone who has been scammed by this company or 1 of his Aliases or DBAs(Doing Business As) just call your bank advise them of this website and they will get you your money back. If you are waiting on this NUTJOB to give you your STOLEN money back than you will be waiting FOREVER. With all that being said, if I have to even tell you whether or not to use them then you deserve to get Scammed and that is who this Tick lives off of. So don't be one of the victims and don't even consider this CRIMINAL ORGANIZATION to ship anything but your money into their account!!!!