User Question

Can I ship boxes in my car when my vehicle is being shipped?

Can I put boxes in my car or can I pack items in my vehicle when it is being shipped?



Personal Items Are Not Covered Under Carrier Insurance.

Most Car Carriers Prefer Empty Vehicle

All auto carriers are required by law to have auto transport cargo insurance to cover their shipments in case of damage during delivery. The insurance that the auto carrier provides only covers the vehicle that is being transported. The full automobile and everything part of it would be covered under the Cargo Carrier Insurance provided by the driver. Items that are not part of the car would Not be covered under the Cargo Carrier insurance. This means personal items such as clothes, boxes, furniture, etc... Most Auto Carrier companies prefer Not to haul vehicles with personal items due to the following reasons:

  • Personal Items not part of the vehicle are not covered under auto transport cargo carrier insurance due to lack of inventory. 
  • Due to lack of insurance coverage for personal items i the vehicle, the driver would not want to assume liability. 
  • In some states, transporting a vehicle packed with personal items could be a punishable offense by penalty or fine.  
  • On the road, there are many traffic stops by authorities & having a packed vehicle would ensure that vehicle will get searched. 

In the end, the driver would only assume liability based on the coverage the assigned carrier provides. 

Driver is not obligated

A driver would not want to assume liability over your personal items due to lack of proper inventory. Some drivers will make an exception but that is usually a deal struck between the actual driver and the customer on site at pickup. This would usually involve a little extra kick back or what most would call a "tip".

Always remember that auto transport drivers are Not obligated to haul your vehicle packed with personal items. Any decisions on this matter ultimatley falls on the driver who is doing the actual driving and will be held accountable for anything under the care of the appointed carrier. This decision is completely up to the driver.

Learn More: Personal items during transport


Shipping Personal Items

Technically, the answer is no. There are many reason for this, but the main reason is that carriers hve weight limits, and unanticipated weight in your vehicle could cause problems. One suitcase or box is generally allowed, as long as it weighs less than 100lbs. Any items inside of the car will NOT be covered by insurance, so keep that in mind if you plan to ship anything inside of your car.

Other things to remember:

  • Nothing can obstruct the driver's seat at any time
  • Any items in your vehicle must be below window level
  • You may load items inside of your vehicle or in the trunk
  • Explosives, firearms, ammunition, narcotics, flammable substances, or any other illegal items are not permitted to be loaded in your car during transport under any circumstances
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Shipping Boxes with Your Car: Exceptions and What to Know

The idea of maximizing space during car shipping by packing boxes of belongings inside seems tempting. However, there are crucial factors to consider before loading your car up as a moving van.

The Short Answer

Most reputable auto shippers strongly advise against shipping boxes or substantial belongings in your car. Here's why:

  • Liability: Car shippers' insurance typically only covers the vehicle itself. Your boxes and their contents are not included in their liability in case of damage or loss.

  • Weight Restrictions: Excess weight in your vehicle can cause issues with carriers' weight limits and may incur additional fees or even refusal of shipment.

  • Security Risks: Boxes within your car may attract potential theft, especially during open-air transport.

  • Damage Potential: Boxes can shift during transit, damaging your car's interior or even obstructing the driver's view in extreme cases.

  • Inspection Issues: Shippers may need to access the vehicle's interior for inspection purposes. Boxes hinder this process.

Limited Exceptions

  • Small Items: Some shippers allow a few small, lightweight items secured within your trunk or the car's designated storage compartments.

  • Specialized Shipments: In rare instances, shippers specializing in household goods might offer combined car and belongings transport with appropriate insurance coverage.

  • Punctual Expedited: Punctual Expedited stands out by offering customers the flexibility to include up to 200 lbs of belongings in their vehicle without any additional charges.

What to Do With Your Belongings

  • Separate Movers: For significant belongings, utilize professional moving services specializing in household goods transport.

  • Ship Them Separately: Use parcel shipping services like FedEx or UPS to send boxes to your destination independently.

  • Carry Essentials with You: If relocating, pack crucial items or small valuables that you'll need immediately in your luggage to travel with you.

Tips for a Smooth Car Shipping Experience

  • Clear Communication: Always disclose any items you plan to leave within the car to your auto shipper beforehand, including the total weight if you're utilizing services like Punctual Expedited.

  • Minimal Valuables: Remove any high-value items, sensitive paperwork, or electronics from the car before shipping.

  • Thorough Cleaning: Empty your car of any trash and loose items that might shift during transport.

  • Document Thoroughly: Take detailed photos and videos of your car's interior and exterior condition before handing it over for shipping.

By prioritizing safe and secure transport of your vehicle, you can ensure it arrives in the same condition it left in. Choose auto shippers with policies that align with your needs, including those offering exceptions like Punctual Expedited.

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2 Answers to this question...

The auto transport industry is a Federally regulated industry.  According to the Federal Government there is NOT suppose to be anything in the vehicle while it is being transported.  That is answer 1.

However, nearly every hauler will allow 1-2 suitcases/boxes in the trunk.  There should be nothing visible in the car when looking through the windows.  Nothing on any of the seats and nothing on the floor.


Loading vehicle

Technically it is against D.O.T. regulations to ship any househole items in the car. carriers aren't licensed to do so. Most common practice is to allow up to 100 or so pounds more than this and the carriers usually charge extra.


We do not recommend putting stuff inside the vehicle. As a courtesy, you may be able to put up to 100 LBS. in trunk. Please make sure it is discreet and not visible from outside. If you exceed the weight limit and fully load the vehicle, the drivers can charge you extra. Some drivers will accept a tip ($50-$250) for hauling extra stuff, but some won’t.


The Department of Transportation (D.O.T.) prohibits the transport of household goods (personal belongings) in vehicles being transported. In addition, personal items are not insured by the carrier’s insurance. An auto carrier could be fined and your items could be confiscated during routine D.O.T. inspections.

Some, but not all carriers allow under 50lbs of personal items confined in the trunk space. You must inform the carrier prior to shipping if you're planning to place items in your vehicle.

Learn how to prepare your vehicle for transport.

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D.O.T. prohibits the transport of household goods in vehicles being transported

The Department of Transportation (D.O.T.) prohibits the transport of household goods (personal belongings) in vehicles being transported. In addition, personal items are not insured by the carrier's insurance. Carriers are subject to fines and your belongings could be confiscated during routine D.O.T. inspections.

In some instances, but not always, carriers will allow no more than 50lbs of personal items confined in the trunk space. You must inform your carrier of any belongings in the vehicle prior to shipping. 

Learn how to prepare your vehicle for transport.


The straight answer is no. The Department of Transportation does not allow the transport of personal belongings inside the vehicle during transport. They do randomely inspect the vehicles depending on the route. However, many people put personal belongings inside their cars and most drivers will never say anything about it unless the vehicle is packed to the top. Then they may ask you to remove the items or to pay them a surcharge for transporting it for you.


Yes you can,and boxes have to be placed in the trunk.

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Items in the Vehicle

We typically suggest against doing this as the presence of boxes or items inside the vehicle can invite a thief to break a window to steal the items. You can put some items in the trunk. Just please try to keep the weight to a minimum. 


Auto Carriers are NOT Permitted to Haul Household Goods

Although car carriers are not permitted to haul household goods, we understand that sometimes it is much more convenient to put some items in your vehicle while it's being transported. Here are the things to remember: the carriers' cargo insurance does NOT cover anything inside of the vehicle. If you must put some items in your vehicle...make sure they are hidden, not sentimental or expensive, and not over 50lbs. The reason for the weight restriction is due to the fact that carriers are weighed at every USDOT weigh station and when they load their trailers they go by each cars' GVW and if they are over their limit they are shut down for 8 hours (with your vehicle) & fined.


Shipping items in your car

The department of transportation or D.O.T prohibits car carriers from shipping personal or household items due to weight restrictions, however, most carriers will let you put up to 100 LBS of personal items in the trunk of your vehicle while being transported.

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Can you ship boxes in your vehicle

Many carriers do not like more then 100lbs in your vehicle. If you do need to put some articles in your vehicle they need to be in the backseat below the window line, or in the trunk of your vehicle. If there will be more then 100lbs, please speak to the broker so they may in turn speak with the carrier.


Shipping Items In Your Vehicle

Upon request, you may ship up to 100 lbs of additional items with your vehicle to be placed in the trunk space only.


How to Avoid Additional Charges Upon Pick Up

It is an industry standard to be able to put up to 100 lbs of items in the cargo area at no additional cost.

As long as the boxed that are put in the vehicle fit that criteria, there will be no issues.

Truckers pass by weight stations in every state where they could run into hefty fines if the vehicles are over loaded.

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Yes & No

Typically, packing personal belongings in your vehicle to be transported is not allowed. There are some exceptions to items such as pillows, blankets, clothing and other linens that can be packed and secured within your trunk space. We do not recommend putting any personal belongings inside of your vehicle for transport. These items will not be covered under insurance if anything was to go lost, stolen or damaged. 


How To Pack Your Vehicle

Don’t over pack your Vehicle. 

Only luggage or small boxes may be shipped inside the trunk only with a maximum weight of 100lbs.

An infant car seat and spare tire with jack are considered to be integral parts of the vehicle, so they may be included. You will/may be asked for additional compensation if your vehicle is over-packed or requires removal of anything that is not permanently mounted or bolted to the vehicle.

Do Not Obstruct the Views from the Windows

This is mandatory and is for the safety of our crew. Our crew often has to load these vehicles on to our trailer with the mirrors folded in, using only the windows. If their view is obstructed the potential for damage and injury is greatly increased.

Do Not Pack Firearms or Fire Extinguishers

No firearms, ammunition of any type or fire extinguishers may be shipped in a vehicle.

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We do not allow personal belongings to be shipped in the vehilce as we can only insure the vehicle while in transport.


About stuff in vehicle

Yes, we can arrange that! By the regulations, the car should be empty, but driver allows to put up to 100 lbs in the trunk of the car.  Typically a carrier will request an additional $100 for every 100 lbs that exceed 100 lbs that you can put for free. And still, the carrier will ask you to put everything in the trunk. Because they are going through weigh stations and carrier doesn’t want any cars with stuff in on the backseat, if you can’t put in the trunk, please make sure it’s below the window surface and the driver’s seat is free and can be easily adjusted.


You are allowed to have up to a 150 lbs. of personal items in the car at no extra charge, as long as it does not interfere with the driver or safe transportation of your vehicle.


Items in vehicle when transporting

Yes, you can transport boxes in your vehicle when in shipment. Most carriers will give a 50lb max of any additonal items in the vehicle for weight purposes going through weigh stations etc. Carriers will ask for the boxes to be either tapped up and sealed of in the trunk for safety and security of your items.



You can have up to 150 pounds inside your vehicle. just make sure

1- Its below the window level

2- Nothing on the front seats

3- its better to have the boxes in the trunk of the vehicle

4- make sure its neat.

5- Only the car its insure. 


Personal Belongings

It is okay to put some items in the vehicle. Don't be excessive or abusive.

Be sure items are secure and will not damage the inside of your vehicle.


Yes, you are allowed up to 100lbs in the trunk or rear compartment of the vehicle.

It is illegal and against FMCSA guidelines to ship personal or household items during an auto transport. It is a weight ,licensing & trafficing issue. The fine is $250+ for the vehicle owner. 


yes, as long as the total cargo weight will not exceed 100lbs


Boxes in vehicle

You can pack a limited number of items in the car as long as the driver can safely get in the vehicle to drive it in order to load and unload. Most importantly understand that those items are NOT are not insured  by the carrier.


What you can and can't! ship in your vehicle

Of course, you can’t ship anything flammable, explosive, dangerous or illegal. 
FMCSA rules also prohibit non-vehicle-related items from being transported with the vehicle.

Rule of thumb:

Do the items “belong” in or with the car?

YES, you can include it! For example:

  • Child car seats
  • Car Cover
  • Tools, if it’s a work-vehicle (such as a plumber’s truck)

Is it unrelated?

No, FMCSA does not allow the following:

  • Luggage
  • Personal items
  • Household items
  • Anything unrelated to the car

Why does FMCSA Prohibit Personal and Household Items?

  • Excess Weight: Car transporters must enter weigh stations and are subject to other inspections along highways. For safety reasons they must limit the total weight on their trailer.
  • Laws and Fines: Car transporters are not licensed by the FMCSA to carry household or personal items, and could be fined at inspection stations.
  • Insurance Not Available: Because transporters are not licensed to carry household or personal items, they would be unable to obtain or provide any insurance for any non-vehicle items in case of damage or loss.
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No, you can not ship personal property in your vehicle!

The car shipping industry is full of self-serving brokers that will tell you what you want to hear in order to make a sale and get your deposit.  Many common responses to this question is:

  • Yes, as long as it is under 100 lbs
  • Yes, as long as it fits in the trunk
  • Yes, as long as the driver says it's ok.

All of these answers are FALSE!  The drivers can not over-ride law just because.  There is no where in the law that allows car carriers to haul personal property if it is "in the trunk" or "under 100lbs".  The law does require trucking companies to have specific licensing if they are hauling houshold good and car carriers do not have that licensing.  The only thing allowed in the vehicle during tranpsort is items that belong with the car (car seats, items related to the vehicle, jumper cables, etc).

Keep in mind that if your broker (an many answering this question are doing this) lies to you by telling you it's ok, then how many other lies will they tell you to get you signed up.  

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Can I ship items by putting them inside my vehicle?

As an auto shipping broker, our designated carriers are only covered and permitted to ship your vehicle – there should be no boxes filled with personal property in your car. All auto transport carriers are regularly inspected at state borders by police and other government agents. Any violations to the above can result in a strict fine. Vehicle owners take full responsibility for any violations to the above policy and under no circumstances shall vehicle owners transport any illegal or hazardous substances. In the case that an owner violates any of these rules, the owner acknowledges that they may be subject to penalties, fines and/or imprisonment to the extent allowed by the applicable state and federal laws.


Luggage and personal property

Luggage and personal property must be collected in one suitcase or bag in the trunk only. No heavy articles are allowed; items not to exceed 100 lbs. If personal items in the car are to exceed 100 lb. there will be an extra fee. Carrier and Garcia’s Auto Transport And Logistics are not liable for any personal items left in the vehicle, nor for damage caused to vehicle from unreasonable or improper loading of personal items. Personal property shall not be transported in customer’s vehicle(s) that includes but is not limited to alcoholic beverages, jewelry, furs, money, live pets, live plants, explosives, guns, ammunition, flammable products, narcotics, negotiable and legal papers, or any unlawful contraband. The customer agrees that Garcia’s Auto Transport and Logistics may confiscate or dispose of the mentioned items with no reimbursement. Garcia’s Auto Transport and Logistics are not to be held responsible for the delivery of personal or household property. If the Customer wants to store items in the vehicle he may do so at his own risk.


YES. That's the short answer but there are stipulations that you need to be aware of.  Your vehicle weight is calculated by the Carrier so any added weight could cause them to go overweight and be in violation of state weight limits.  Therefore, we ask that you limit any items being shipped with your vehicle to no more than 75 lbs.  Storage of those items must be limited to the trunk space or the floor space in the rear passenger area...items must never go above the bottom of the window line and NEVER in the front driver or passenger area.  Furthermore, the insurance that covers your vehicle will NOT cover items you ship with your vehicle so make sure there is nothing of value whether monetary or sentimental.  Lastly, if a Carrier is stopped by the authorities, the items you ship with the vehicle may subject to a full and thorough search, of which you waive all rights to refuse.  If any illegal substances are found in your vehicle, you subject yourself to criminal citation and/or prosecution as well as any future lawsuits enacted against you by the Carrier transporting your vehicle should they be charged for such items. 


Yes as long as the driver seat and the back window are not blocked

the transporter needs to be able to have an uninpeded view of the back window and no obstructions when moving your vehicle.

Boxes stored inside vehicle are otherwise fine as long as the above issues are taken into account


The standard answer in the industry to this question is no.  The carriers need to maintain a specific weight limit and additional weight inside the vehicles can throw off their entire load.  Secondly, content is typically not insured.  Another reason is because it makes it difficult for the driver to load and off load the unit.  All that being said, it is up to the driver himself to decide whether he/she is willing to allow a little extra weight.  Most drivers are ok with a little extra weight in the trunk (under 100lbs).


Leaving Boxes In Your Car

Leaving items in your car is up to the drivers discretion, The department of transportation has not outwardly said car shipping companies can or cannot ship personal or household items in a car being transported. That being said it is technically legal to ship your personal items or boxes in your car or trunk during car shipping. Depending on the items and the weight it could potentially raise the price of the transport. The driver is 100% not liable for any personal items. They will cover any damage to your vehicle but most drivers are not authroized to transport household goods therfore there insurance will not cover the items. Something to think about before taking the risk of wanting to leave any personal items in the vehicle. 

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Items in vehicle

In the past a small amount of personal goods were usually ignored, but with the increase in security since 2001 the industry now requires that your car be free of contents. Not only are auto carriers not insured for household goods, it is against the law for them to transport anything except your vehicle. The transport truck is subject to inspection by the DOT and the Police at every state line and can be fined up to $10,000 if found to be carrying household goods. The car is subject to being impounded and all fines and expenses will be passed along to the owner of the car. Under NO circumstances can the car contain firearms, hazardous materials, illegal substances, or contraband.

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Items inside vehicle

Most drivers do allow items in the vehicle(s) upon request. The weight limit ranges between 100-150 lbs.

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Additional Items

Yes up to 100lbs.


You May put up to 100 lbs in the truck only, nothing breakable as the carrier is not responsible for anything that breaks.


Personal belongings inside the car

You are allowed to put any stuff up to 100lbs and if it is over 100 lbs you will need to pay $75 extra for each other 100 lbs



As of now, the Department of Transportation allows companies to ship personal or household items in a car being transported. Each car shipment has a weight limit based on vehicle make and model. If, interested in shipping your car personal or household items give us a call @ 844-385-3627


Personal items in the car:

Up to 100 lbs in the trunk or under window level is ok and there's no charge for that.

More than 100 lbs may be charged for, if it's 110-120 lbs, that's OK, if it is 200 or 500, The driver will ask to charge an additional fee specifically for the items.

We can arrange that, the right way to do it would be showing the driver pictures of the boxes/bags. This will give him a good idea of the quantity/volume and he will then be able to tell us the additional cost so you can decide if you would like to include the personal items. Please note personal items are NOT covered by insurance.


Yes, you are allowed to put up to 100 lbs. of personal belongings in your vehicle. It must be confined to the trunk area and must be well secured. All personal items in the vehicle are placed there at the owner’s risk, they are not covered by the truck’s insurance. We do not recommend packing electronics, breakable items or valuable items. An additional fee of $75 will be charged per 100 lbs. if you put more than 100lbs. into your vehicle.



you can include up to 100 lbs in the trunk 


Items in car.

The rule of thumb for most companies is 100lbs or less personal items. Nothing should be valueable, perishable or fragiles. Contents are not insured.   Nothing placed on front seat nor above window line.   Please disclose ahead of time what items you are requesting to ship in the car so we may get authorization from driver and carrier.   Each dispatched company has different policies.   When shippping to and fom Hawaii there are  no additional items at all. Car must be clean, 1/4 tank of gas or less, no cracks in glass and fuctioning working brakes.  

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You're allowed up to 100lbs of personal items in the trunk or cargo area of the vehicle being shipped


Yes & No

Techically it's illegal for the carries to ship things in your vehicle. Auto Transport Carriers do not have a household goods moving license and your items will not be insured. Many will allow up to 100 pounds inside the vehicle but this is a case by case basis and varies between carriers.  If you want to ship more than just a 100 lb suitcase during a car shipping, you will have to pay an extra amount and this again is determined by each carrier individually. The smaller your car, the lower the price. However, all items in your car MUST be loaded below the window level and the driver’s seat must be clear so transporters can drive your vehicle on and off the truck. Packing items inside the car increases the likely hood of theft. Carriers stop along the way at rest stops and other places. Putting items above the window line increases the risk of theft and damage to your vehicle dramatically. You are doing so at your own risk.


You can put your stuff inside your vehicle while it is being shipped but you need to make sure these:

You can put your stuff inside your vehicle while it is being shipped but you need to make sure these:

-stuff needs to be packaged properly (the damage which is done by stuff inside will not be covered)

-needs to be less than 300lbs

-if it will be more you need to pay extra fee to the driver

All of our truck drivers are really caring and want to be helpful to the customers so they agree to ship your stuff while shipping your vehicle. Safeeds transport inc will ship your stuff safely without any robbery or damages to them.



Yes for sure, you can transport upto 200 LBS for free under the window level or inside the trunk. 

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Yes, you can

Unless the things are unlawful, it is not illegal to send personal belongings in your car when it is being transported by All state to state auto transport. You may be unable to remove some personal belongings from your vehicle. Some shipping companies charge extra for such things, but All state to state auto transport, ships them for free if they weigh less than 100 pounds.


Can I ship boxes in my car when my vehicle is being shipped?

Most auto transport companies allow customers to ship personal items inside the car during transport, but there are some restrictions and considerations to keep in mind.

Firstly, the auto transport carrier's insurance generally only covers the vehicle itself and not any personal items inside. This means that any personal items shipped inside the car are not insured against loss or damage during transport. It is important to check with the auto transport company to see if they offer any additional insurance options for personal items, and to consider purchasing separate insurance for high-value items.

Secondly, the weight of the personal items shipped inside the car may affect the overall weight of the vehicle, which can impact the carrier's ability to transport the vehicle safely and legally. Most auto transport companies have weight limits for personal items shipped inside the car, so it is important to check with the company beforehand to see what their policies are.

In summary, while it is usually possible to ship personal items inside the car during auto transport, it is important to check with the auto transport company about any restrictions and to be aware that the personal items will not be covered by the carrier's insurance during transport.

HBTRANSIT LOGISTICS allows up to 150 lbs. 


Short answer is YES

However there is generally an additional charge for the extra weight associated with 

it, generally about $250 extra 


Yes, You can.

Yes, you can put your personal items and stuff in your vehicle while shipping but it should be less than 100 pounds and below the window glass. For upto 100 pounds you don't have to pay anything apart from your shipping quote. 


Yes you can

yes you can put around 125 lbs of luggage in the car but it has to be at the backseat below the window level or in the trunk 


Placing personal items in your car during transport

When you are shipping your car using an auto transport service, it is generally not recommended to pack items or place boxes inside the vehicle. Auto transport companies typically have regulations and restrictions regarding the contents of the vehicles being shipped. Here are a few reasons why it's discouraged:

  1. Safety: Adding extra weight from boxes or items can affect the handling and stability of the vehicle during transportation. It may increase the risk of damage to your vehicle or other vehicles on the carrier.

  2. Liability: Auto transport companies typically have limited liability coverage for the vehicle itself, not for any personal belongings inside. In case of loss or damage to the items, the transport company may not be held responsible.

  3. Insurance coverage: Auto transport insurance typically covers the vehicle, not the contents inside. If your personal belongings get damaged or stolen during transport, they may not be covered by the carrier's insurance policy.

However, if you have a legitimate reason to transport items or boxes in your vehicle, it is best to check with the auto transport company beforehand. Some companies may allow a limited amount of personal items inside the vehicle, as long as they are securely packed and do not exceed a certain weight limit. It's important to communicate and clarify such details with the auto transport company to ensure compliance with their policies and to avoid any potential issues during transportation.


Personal Items Inside a Vehicle

Yes, you are allowed to pack your vehicle with personal items. We do allow up to 100 pounds of personal items inside the vehicle free of charge. 


Yes, Make sure you have insurance coverage for your belongings and secure them properly to prevent damage during transit.

Yes, you can usually ship boxes or personal belongings in your car when it is being transported. However, check with the auto transport company for their specific policies and any restrictions on items or weight limits. Make sure you have insurance coverage for your belongings and secure them properly to prevent damage during transit.

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Can I put boxes in my car or can I pack items in my vehicle when it is being shipped?

Yes, as long as it does not block windows and does not exceed 250lbs



Yes, upto 100pounds and below the window line 


Shipping personal items with car shipping: What you need to know

It is technically legal to ship your personal items or boxes in your car or trunk during car shipping. However, it is not always allowed by car shipping companies. Some companies may allow up to 100 pounds of personal items in the trunk or cargo area of the vehicle being shipped, but others may not allow any personal items at all. It is important to check with the specific company you are shipping with to find out their policy.


Yes, our customers can!

Yes, it is generally possible to transport personal belongings inside your vehicle while we ship it. However, there are some important considerations:

Weight Limit: We recommend keeping the total weight of your personal items within a specific limit max 100 pounds. This limit can vary depending on the transport carrier and your vehicle's specifications.

Insurance Coverage: It's important to understand that our primary insurance coverage is for your vehicle itself, not for the personal items inside. While many auto transport companies do allow personal items, they are usually not covered by insurance. We advise removing any valuable or irreplaceable items from your car before shipping.

Secure Packing: Ensure that your personal items are securely packed and properly stored within the vehicle. Loose items can cause damage during transit.

Legal Requirements: Be aware of any legal restrictions or regulations related to transporting personal items in your car, as these can vary by state and country.

Carrier Policies: Check with our team for specific guidelines and policies regarding shipping personal items. Some carriers may have additional requirements or restrictions.

Inventory List: Create an inventory list of the items you plan to transport inside your vehicle. This can be helpful in case any issues arise during transit.

Remember that our primary focus is on safely transporting your vehicle to its destination. While we do accommodate personal items within your car, we strongly advise caution and adherence to the guidelines mentioned above.




Yes you can!

Carrier will alow boxes with persnoal items to to be shipped. 

But you must notify your broker ahead of time and your items must weight below 100lbs.


Personal Items inside the car

You are allowed to place up to 100 lbs in the truck. If you need to add more, please contact us at (302) 205-2271.


Yes, sure
up to 150 pounds


Yes, but...

At Skyline Moves, we adhere to industry standards and regulations regarding vehicle transportation. While we understand the convenience of transporting personal items along with your vehicle, we abide the weight limit allowance of 100 pounds for most carriers. This ensures the safety and integrity of your vehicle during transit. Therefore, you are welcome to pack lightweight items or boxes within this weight limit. However, please refrain from exceeding this weight restriction to maintain the efficiency and safety of the transportation process.

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As an auto transport broker, we typically advise against shipping personal belongings inside your vehicle during transportation. Most carriers have restrictions and insurance limitations regarding the transportation of personal items. Shipping your car with belongings inside can also add weight, potentially affecting the carrier's ability to transport your vehicle safely and efficiently. We recommend removing all personal items from your vehicle before shipping to ensure a smooth and hassle-free transportation process.


Yes, you can

Absolutely, when it comes to transporting personal items along with your vehicle, it's important to note that many carriers do allow a certain amount of weight to be included in the shipment at no extra charge. Typically, this allowance ranges from 100lbs to 150lbs, depending on the specific carrier and their policies.

To ensure a smooth process, it's essential that these personal items are securely packed and confined to the trunk or kept below the window height within the vehicle. This not only helps maintain the safety and integrity of your belongings during transit but also ensures compliance with carrier regulations and safety standards.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can take advantage of the included weight allowance for personal items without incurring additional charges, while also ensuring a safe and efficient transportation experience for both your vehicle and any accompanying belongings.



Personal Items.

You can have free of charge up to 1 piece of luggage, such as a suitcase or a bag, of up to 100 lb. placed in the trunk or cargo area only.



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Personal Items

Yes, the carriers we work with allow up to 100 lbs to be stored in the trunk or the rear cargo area of the vehicle. We ask that you contain your items to a single box or suitcase.

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Can I ship personal Iiems or boxes in my car when my vehicle is being shipped?

The technical answer is that everyone quoting you are shipper/brokers who by definition do not own trucks, so it is important to know who your carrier is and what they will allow.  You see, carriers that do own trucks are not licensed or insured for personal items.  And brokers who do not own trucks cannot authorize personal items.  Only the carrier can authorize personal items.

Many carriers have the following disclaimer: We do NOT allow customers to place ANY personal items in vehicle during shipment, all items must be removed prior to pick up. If any items are found in vehicles they can/will be removed. We are under very strict law that we must follow with the FMCSA regarding hauling ONLY autos not household goods, we are not licensed or authorized. Not to mention items have been known to break windows and cause damage to other vehicles as well. We as well as DPS/Highway patrol also hold the right to confiscate or inspect any and all items in a vehicle. All compartments must be unlocked during transport for inspection.

That being said: Most carriers will allow up to 100 pounds in the trunk, they typically will either charge for more weight or not accept a vehicle with over 100 pounds in the trunk. Carriers rarely allow items in the interior of your vehicle because they are not licensed for personal items and their insurance does not cover your personal items. Please note that if a thief were to break the windows to get a box or any other personal item, it will not be covered by insurance. In those cases, no one is happy and your car is damaged.


Can I ship boxes in my car when my vehicle is being shipped?

Yes, personal belongings can be shipped as long as the transporter is informed prior to driver arrival. Additional fees may be incurred depending on amount of items and weight. Call us today at 888-307-0303 Visit us at https://www.freight4all.us/car-shipping

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Luggage in the vehicle


You are allowed to pack the trunk only, so if boxes fit in the trunk- you can absolutely go ahead! 

Also, there is a commom restriction of 100 lbs of luggage to be placed in the car overall, so you might need to consider that too!

Hope to serve you soon!

Beverly Wheels Transport LLC,




Packing Personal Items in Your Vehicle

As far as the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is concerned, the answer is supposed to be "no". However, most carriers to remain competative allow "personal items". In this case you should not include more than 100 lbs. It must be below the window line. For more information you can read about packing things in your vehicle.


Personal Belongings

It's suggested no more than 100lbs weight allowance in the vehicles, and to keep in the trunk when shipping a car. All carrier's are different, so its a good idea to check with the driver.


Light items up to 100lbs are ok in the car 


Hello, yes you can have stuff inside the car up to 100 lbs for free and if it is more than that then there will be little extra fee

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Additional luggage while shipping

Yes, you can usually ship boxes or personal items in your car when it's being transported, but there are a few important considerations:

  1. Carrier Policies: Byroad Logistics allow you to ship personal belongings inside the vehicle, but they may have weight limits (usually around 100-150 pounds) and restrictions on what can be placed in the car. 
  2. Insurance Coverage: Items inside the car are often not covered by the car shipping company’s insurance, so if you decide to ship boxes, they may be at your own risk. You may need to look into additional insurance options.
  3. Access and Inspection: The driver or shipping company may need to inspect the vehicle and its contents before shipping. Additionally, the boxes should be secured and placed in a way that doesn't obstruct the driver's view or access to the vehicle.
  4. Security Risks: Shipping valuable or fragile items inside your car is generally not recommended due to the risk of theft or damage during transport.
  5. Weight Considerations: The additional weight from the boxes could affect the cost of shipping, as some companies may charge extra if the car exceeds a certain weight limit.


Yes. Up to 100 pounds its free.

You may place personal items in the vehicle during transit at no charge, as long as the weight of these items does not exceed 100 pounds. If the weight is higher, we will coordinate an additional charge with the driver before shipping. Please take care to ensure that your items are securely fastened and do not interfere with the driver's ability to safely transport your vehicle.


Up to 100lb of personal belongings for free

While shipping a car with Dreamline Logistics, you are allowed to have up to 100lb of personal belongings for no extra cost. If your belongings exceed the weight limit, additional fees will be applied depending on the weight.

There are also two additional statements that we would like to make about shipping your belongings inside your car.

- Dreamline Logistics LLC is a car shipping company,  which means that the insurance that our carriers can provide protects your car(s) from any kind of damage that might happen on the road. At the same time, we cannot provide insurance for your personal belongings as we are not a moving company. In the whole history of Dreamline Logistics, there has been no cases of lost belongings from our customers. However, if such event takes place, neither Dreamline Logistics LLC nor the carrier will be held responsible for the missing items.

- While Dreamline Logistics clients' cars are fully insured for any external damages during the trip, neither the company nor the carrier will be responsible for the damage that was caused by customers personal belongings. That is why before putting a heavy lamp or sharp edge objects inside your car, please double check if it has the potential to damage your car's interior.


Yes, but...

Technically, it is not allowed to ship personal items with the vehicle(s)but most carriers are willing to ship the items in the car if:

1. The items are nicely secured and packed 

2. They are not visible from the outside, are placed on the back seats below window level or in the trunk

3. Preferably, they are less than 100lbs. In case of weighing more, the driver might ask for additional payment or refuse to take the load.

4. There aren't any illegal or dangerous items shipped.

5. The customer agrees that the carrier and/or is not responsible for the items inside the car, and the safety of those is at their own risk.

Kindest Regards

Tempus Logix Vehicle Transportation


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Luggage terms

yes you are allowed to put up to 100lbs inside the car below the lecel of window or inside the trunk, for extra luggage , you will pay $75 for each extra 100lbs luggage that you are putting in the car


Can I ship boxes in my car when my vehicle is being shipped?

yes you can put up to 100lbs as long as you notify us an d we get approved by driver before he arrives for pickup

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Vehicle transporters are not licensed to transfer goods, so doing this could result in penalties.

Read more on proper vehicle transport, here.

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You may have up to 100 lbs insided your vehicle. Nothing can be blocking the windows. Only your vehicle is insured. Personal property is NOT insured. 

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The good rule of thumb is that typically we allow up to 100 lbs of belongings when shipping a car state to state. Always try to keep it light and avoid blocking the visibility of the driver 

More Answers


It depends on the shipper. Generally you can ship to 100 Ibs. We would have to verify with the carrier first.


Yes, you can!

You can load up to 100lbs for free of charge and each extra 100lbs costs $75. Also, make sure your items should be below window level, otherwise, it may broke the window during shipment.