User Question

The company knows I'm a customer, how can they say I'm not a customer?


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If it looks like crap and smells like crap, it likely is crap.

It is likely that the company is doing exactly what you think they are doing.  They are trying to SILENCE YOU and hide your review.  It is an unethical practice that violates the terms of our site.

Please do NOT let it happen.  Complete the non-customer review process and your review will be permanently re-added to Transport Reviews.  Once it is complete YOU will be the only one that can remove your review.

A confirmed customer review receives about twice the visibility of the normal review on Transport Reviews.  So while your review always matters, it matters even more when you take the time to complete this process.

On The Other Hand...

Sometimes companies can make honest mistakes.  When we hear from reviewers about their review being removed by a company they are frequently correct that the company is behaving unethically.  However, it is possible that companies can make a mistake.  If you did not identify yourself clearly in your review or the information you provided when you submitted your review you should not assume the worse if the company thinks you are not a customer. 

While your sales rep or customer service person may be very familiar with you the person managing their Transport Reviews may not believe you are a customer if you did not provide information that helps them find you in their system.

Regardless of their motivation simply complete the process and your review will be re-added to Transport Reviews and the company will receive a punishment.

Submitted by anonymous on