User Question

How many complaints does a company need to receive before they are banned from Transport Reviews?

When will Transport Reviews blacklist or stop listing a company that has bad reviews and a horrible rating?



Transport Reviews does not ban car shipping companies.

We are frequently asked to wield power over companies that have bad ratings, reviews or are "obviously taking advantage of customers."

Transport Reviews is not a government regulator and we do not have regulatory power.  The only power Transport Reviews has is the power of the market.

That is, the information found on Transport Reviews is viewed by millions of people. If a company has a bad reputation it is public information.

Removing companies from Transport Reviews would hide the company's poor reputation and silence past customers, which is something Transport Reviews refuses to do.

What Power Does Transport Reviews Have?

Any and all power we have is limited to what you see on Transport Reviews. We can choose to:

  • Limit a company's access to company management tools.  This would be something we would do if they are abusing the company only tools.
  • We might also post alerts on a company's profile letting the public know of information on the company and in some way drawing attention to information that may not be obvious to the public.
  • On occasion we've changed the default processes that users access to post reviews. For example, most reviews are immediately live once a review is confirmed. For some companies we've added an additional step to verify a reviewer is an actual customer before the review is allowed to be visible to the public.


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