Absolutely terrific experience with Worry Free Transport! Highly Recommended!

Brandon Submitted this review about Worry Free Transport
Review made Live: 4/5/2007 1:52:00 PM
I had never used an auto carrier or broker before so I did what most people do and request online quotes. Worry Free was one of the lower quotes and fortunately for me, I found this website before booking so I was able to read the reviews that others had written about their company.

My experience was absolutely top notch and the customer service from the people at Worry Free (Jessica and Brooke were the ones I dealt with) was exceptional. I had to call several different times with different questions and they never acted put out with any of my questions.

I shipped a Toyota 4Runner from New York to Alabama and the car was delivered to me in excellent shape. The carriers were very nice and the transaction went very smooth. I couldn't have asked for anything more.

One thing is for sure: Worry Free definitely delivered in my case. I'm sure things happen with every carrier/broker in the business from time to time, but I definitely recommend Worry Free.