My experience with Worry Free.

Pete Submitted this review about Worry Free Transport
Review made Live: 3/15/2010 3:39:00 PM
OK, I win a car on eBay, I need to move it, I do my homework, get a bunch of quotes, check a bunch of reviews. Worry Free Transport Inc was the least expensive and well reviewed.

So I booked with them. The car was finally scheduled to move on the last day of the contract - they did fulfil the contract.

My dealer screwed up, and turned the truck away.

So far, so good, my beef was not with Worry Free Transport but with the hack dealer I was unlucky enough to buy from.

What gets me is what happened afterwards. I held the move open, with no grief from Worry Free, for another week plus until I could no longer wait and had to get the car. On Thursday 3 - 11 I informed them that I was going to go out and get the car, and asked them to please cancel the move.

I didn't receive a response before I left to pick it up on 3-13, but it was not a big deal.

I did get a call this morning (3-15) saying, I have a driver lined up, did you get the car yet? I said yes, I did, but thank you for your help, I realise my problems were not your fault.

When I asked about my deposit I was told that if I was to move another car, let them know, and they would waive the deposit (keep in mind they did fulfil their contract and so were within their rights). I asked if they were keeping the whole deposit or just a partial, as I am not a dealer (and so it is unlikely I will need another move).

They had performed. So why I was told that they had set up numerous drivers and had them turned away, instead of just saying what happened, that they had 1 driver turned away, and that they had fulfilled the contract is mystifying to me.

So to be clear, my issue is that even though they did perform their contractual duty, they then either exaggerated what they had actually done, or did not contact me after setting up additional drivers.

Company Response
Diane Dahl from Worry Free Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 3/15/2010 4:38:00 PM
Mr. Malherek contracted with Worry Free Transport to have his vehicle picked up on February 9. We found a driver to pick it up that day. Mr. Malherek did not have the paperwork ready and changed the first available date to February 11, hence the FIRST truck had to be cancelled. The on February 13 we found another driver. As soon as the the driver called the dealer he was told the vehicle was not ready to be picked up....cancel SECOND truck. On February we found a THIRD truck to pick up Mr. Malherek's car....once again the driver was told the vehicle was not ready. I am sorry that Mr. Malherek found it necessary to post such a negative review for us. Our terms and conditions do state that we have a money back guarantee if your vehicle is not picked up within 10 business days. Given the time we devoted to this move, finding not only one but THREE driver's I do think it understandable that Mr. Malherek was not eligible for a refund. If anyone would like to discuss this matter please contact us. Thank you, Diane, Owner Worry Free Transport, LLC 888-243-0082