Graet Experience!!

Edgar Chavez Submitted this review about Worry Free Transport
Review made Live: 2/5/2008 10:21:00 PM
Greayt company very honest and fast working!! Struggled with other companies to get a ship date an just would get the run around. Had already given deposit to other transport company 3 weeks prior to my move date from new york to california and although I called once a week to know if they had a transporter for me they would say not yet, would promise to call me back and never did, then I would call back the next day and so forth up until I finally left to California and would just get dumb excuses at the last minute such as I was under quoted, which was originally $950.00 and that they had a transporter that would do it for $300 to $400 more and other excuses etc... Finally when I was now in California I got same quote of $950 from worry free transport gave deposit and within 3 days they had a driver for me picked up my GMC SIERRA and delivered it to me 7 days later for a total of 10 days!! WOW!! Very pleased and happy with this company!!
Edgar Chavez.........