Seoncd move with Worry Free - Very Good

Sal Submitted this review about Worry Free Transport
Review made Live: 10/29/2007 3:41:00 PM
This was the second car that was moved and I'm very pleased with every thing from top to bottom. Just a word of wisdom to those people that are moving a car for the first time:
1. I made sure that I gave them enough time to pick up. I had a backup plan in case they picked up early or late.
2. Because this is a broker, things can move very fast when they come to pick up - you might not have too much notice. Ex. I gave a time frame of when I wanted the car picked up and 2 days later I got a phone call saying I'm ready for your car today.
3. If you are going cross country like I did on this trip with 2 cars, make sure you have another mode of transportation just in case. They can get backed up very quickly because of traffic.