Auto Trans. from GA to CA

Henry Hopkins Submitted this review about Wise Auto Shipping
Review made Live: 12/29/2009 5:21:00 PM
From the first contact and throughout the process, I am and was very impressed with how businesslike and professional the contact persons were. Timelines were kept. Because of the December Holidays, promised within 5 days from order(12/11-12/16) could not be met. Total cost was reduced from $1150 to 1100, cut taken by Admin. end as driver received the same 1000 as per original contract. This pleased me and surprised me because I didn't ask or complain. E-mail rec'd saying car now in line for pick-up. I was notified of estimated pick-up time, 12/22, and est. delivery, 12/29. Car arrived on 12/29 safe and sound. Driver James of M and M Transport called from Houston on Saturday saying he'd had a flat on the 25th and had to lay over to find an open tire supplier. Said he'd try for Monday, the 28th but, if not, definitely Tuesday, the 29th. Rec'd a call early morning saying he was about 20 miles away and estimated his delivery time. I gave directions and all worked out well.

I have had cars transported long distances more than several times and this was just about the best service I've experienced. I was hesitant because we had a horrible experience yeas ago using a service that contracted out the driver. What a mess. However, I went with the positive reviews for Wise. My friend had gone all through various sites and told me the reviews for Wise were the best so I chose Wise. Very, very glad I did.

Thank you, thank you. I really did not expect that the original timeline would be met because of the Holidays and possible bad weather depending upon the route taken. So I have no problems that the wait was longer than originally stated.