Best Transport Broker and Carrier

Tom Hodnett Submitted this review about Wise Auto Shipping
Review made Live: 9/26/2008 9:10:00 PM
When we started this journey of getting a car for our daughter in school in California we weren't sure what would be the best way to go about it. Should we buy the car here, in Texas, and drive it to California? That would cost for motels and airfare to return. Should we buy the car in California, without having the opportunity to see it first? Or, should we buy it here and ship it to California? We had no idea how much it would cost to ship until my wife found this web site. We began researching several companies on Transport Reviews. We looked at the reviews posted on this site and checked their rating with the Better Business Bureau. We only asked for quotes from companies that had a good standing with the BBB and had good overall reviews on this site. We were pleasantly surprised that Wise Auto Shipping had the lowest quoted price, the best overall rating on this site, and a top rating with the BBB.
We went with WAS and began the process. We couldn't have been more pleased. They picked up a day earlier than the date we thought the car would be available because it was available early, as well. The shipment went smooth and our daughter received the car in great shape in California just 3 days after pickup, as promised. There were no surprises along the way. No extra cost, no equipment breakdowns, etc.
It was a pleasure doing business with WAS and the carrier they contracted for the pickup and delivery. We recommend them highly.