
S. Blocksom Submitted this review about Wheeler Shipping
Review made Live: 8/20/2008 12:16:00 AM
Vehicle was available Sunday, but not picked up until Saturday. Price was elevated in transit. Contact person and driver were courteous and available, but in the future I'll find a college student I trust to drive and fly them back to their home.

Company Response
Sue Wheeler from Wheeler Shipping Submitted this response.
Response Date: 8/20/2008 10:08:00 AM
Mrs. Blocksoms assessment is not quite accurate. The price was NOT ELEVATED DURING TRANSIT. The reality was that a carrier called and made the proposal of what he would move this vehicle for. I called and talked to Mrs Blocksom and presented to her his offer and she chose to accept. What Mrs. Blocksom does not know is that he actually wanted more but I encouraged him to make a compromised request, which he did. This was so far the only carrier that was interested in moving this vehicle. No doubt there would have been another, but in this industry you never know just when that would happen on an uncommon route. Wisconsin to Utah is not a common route. For an uncommon route it is not uncommon for it to take 2-3 or even 4 weeks before a carrier is in the area of origin going to the desired destination, who has and open spot on their unit to accommodate a particular type of vehicle. Wheeler Shipping stands firm on this transport being a successful one. Sue Wheeler