This Company Is Scam!

Linda Submitted this review about Vantage Auto Movers
Review made Live: 5/12/2015 1:50:00 PM
After going through a nightmare with first transport company and explaining how sceptical I was of trusting another one, the sales person(Sam Kooby), convinced me I had no worries with their contract obligations! I was told my vehicle would be picked up within 7 days,(I still haven't received a call and going into 4 weeks! Nobody answers the phone, left numerous messages after no contact in 2 weeks but no calls or emails were answered. Finally got to speak to John and he told me it was a very busy day and I am next on the list and of course the price is going to be higher than what your contract says and no we won't refund your deposit, that had to be done 48 hrs after we signed your CONTRACT!
Rightfully they are not supposed to take a deposit until a driver is dispatched! So I found out after the fact.
Save your money and go with a reputable company even if you have to pay a little more.
Very Disappointed