DO NOT USE VLG! Never Picked Up/Poor Communication/No Refund After 15 Days

Jesse Williams Submitted this review about VLG Transportation
Review made Live: 7/31/2012 1:35:00 PM
On 6/27/12 (Wednesday), I used a website that sends transport requests out to multiple brokers/carriers. I got a call from Mark with VLG Transportation within 20 minutes (maybe less) of submitting the request. I specifically asked if the bike would be picked up by the weekend. Mark advised that the bike MAY BE picked up by Friday, but could take 3-5 days. I was fine with that, as I didn't want to be that person that demanded it be picked up ASAP. Mark took my $100 deposit over the phone. Later that day, I received the contract via email. I signed the contract and returned it the same day, as I wanted to do everything on my end to get the ball rolling.

Asked for status of transport on Friday, 6/29/12. Larry responds and claims that that fact that I requested an enclosed transport causes delays. At that point, it was only the second day after initiating the transport, so again, I was fine with VLG's excuse.

By Tuesday, 7/3/12, I was frustrated that I had heard NOTHING from a driver or anyone from VLG. I requested to cancel the order. Mark convinced me that a transport should be soon and not to cancel. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and did not cancel. My mistake.

By Friday, 7/6/12, I got tired of hearing nothing from VLG or a driver and decided to take matters into my own hands, and drove from Houston, Texas (1900 miles/30 hours round trip) to IOWA to pick the bike up myself.

The following Monday, 7/9/12, I requested to cancel the order and to refund my $100 deposit. Mark claims that their accounting team is offsite and that they submit refunds/credits, etc once per week. Per his explanation, the refund should have been submitted by the end of that week (Friday July 13).

Today is Monday, 7/23/12 (14 days after requesting refund deposit) and I still have nothing. I make multiple phone calls/emails...and NO RESPONSE. Apparently, I have to request a transport to get a prompt call back. Placed a call to them this morning and still have heard nothing!

To be clear - I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND VLG TRANSPORTATION TO ANYONE! I am more than dissatisfied with VLG. They are a fly-by-night company that DOES NOT have their stuff together!