FLorida to Arizona/California Route

Jose Submitted this review about United Freight Of America
Review made Live: 5/12/2012 12:30:00 AM
I want to leave this review not about United, but about Jessica. Jessica represents United, but without her, there is not united. I contract another company out of Arizona to move my 2003 Nissan Altima. Their rate was lower than anyone. $600.00, however it was unrealistic, so the car sat for over a month without moving. I spoke to many companies, they all promise and could not deliver. Jessica kept sending me emails weekly and kept in touch and I decided to call her. She told me "the problem is price and the company you contracted is not proactive" by now, I had agreed to increase the fee to $850.00 with the other company, just to get the car moved.

I told Jessica, "No one can get me a driver, what makes you different", she answered "I am honest and all I will find you a driver" I told her "If you find me a driver, you have my business".
She told me, that it would take a realistic amount of $900.00 and a proactive person like her"

Two days later, she send me an email, letting me know that she had a driver, pick up...Tomorrow.

I called the other company to see, what they done, NOTHING. So I called Jessica and place my order, 20 minutes later, I had the driver's name and #.

Just when I have lost faith, I was thinking about going to get my own car.

The company they used, was great. If you ever need a car moved between Florida and California, please ask for my driver. they are great.