Really unprofessional if they could not find a driver using the quote

Chen Submitted this review about United Auto Movers
Review made Live: 8/3/2010 1:47:00 PM
Yes, they give one of the lowest quote and work hard on it, but the customers are only a number for them to hit the probability to get a cheap deal. If they find a driver, you are lucky. If they could not find one, they would not tell you and put you on hold forever until the deal is broke. The worst part is, they never tell you that they could not get a dirver for this low quote and make you feel that you are stupid by waiting their replies. Well, they never rip your money off, but I think their way of working is unprofessional as they use customers as a card to gamble the low price deal.

P.S. I think post by J. on 7/6/2010 2:28:00 PM is reporting the real situation.

Company Response
Riahnnon from United Auto Movers Submitted this response.
Response Date: 8/5/2010 10:41:00 AM
This customer was originally given a price of $1000 to move the car. He wanted to do it for $800. We tried to move the car for him with the full understanding from the customer that the price was too cheap. In this industry if you pay the right price to the driver your job gets done. We provided a price that would of moved his car.