Submitted this review about Ultimate Transport 123 Review made Live: 5/8/2021 2:53:00 PM
I booked my vehicle pickup with another company. Apparently they were a broker. DAN from ultimate transport called me and said we work alit different and we're the #1 family owned company. We can have your truck transported with few days. ALL LIES. Its been 13 days, and everytime I call I get a "oh we're sorry mam, we're working on your order". Then I ask to speak to a supervisor and I get a "there is no supervisor avaliable but I've written a message for the supervisor to call you asap". Again lies, no call ever comes. Once and only once did I get a call back, she to me she'd keep me updated and raised my hope, then she Never called me back either. My husband's job is on the line, his business is being delayed and he's liosing customers everyday all because I'm in contract with this horrible company.
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