Unscrupulous/Unethical Business People

Abi Ladepo Submitted this review about US Direct Auto Shipping
Review made Live: 5/4/2012 12:58:00 PM
When offering his services to me, Adam lambasted Brokers that collect money from customers and never delivered. He talked good game and made promises reminiscent of what obtains on his company's website: He would never disappoint me; he would respect his end of the contract; and he would be responsive to my questions. But once I made the $150 Broker fee payment and my vehicle was not picked up between April 22nd - Apr 27th that he promised (he had charged me extra for an expedited pickup), Adam stopped answering his phone and never returned my calls. I left him no fewer than four voicemail messages - all to no avail.
On 03 May 2012, I posted a review on this site detailing my experience with U.S. Direct Auto Shipping and within minutes of the posting, Adam called me from a number that was not listed on his company’s website. In his voicemail, he begged me to remove the rather scathing review. He stated that he had found a driver for my vehicle but the driver cancelled on him because his truck broke down – a standard excuse used by Brokers and against which Adam (himself) had warned me when he sought my patronage!
Adam then dubiously contacted the administrator of this site to deny knowledge of me as a customer, consequent upon which my original review was removed. This is the height of unscrupulousness and fraud that has unduly tainted genuine professionals in the industry - a testament to the exact reason for which sites like this exist. I had to go the extra mile to prove to the administrator of this site that I did have a business transaction with U.S. Direct Auto Shipping before my review was allowed to stand. Only God knows how many cheated and disappointed customers people like Adams have disavowed by calling the site administrator.
Before giving him my business, I explained to Adam that as a Service Member (Army), it was important that my vehicle be picked up as close as possible to the promised date so that I could receive the vehicle on time, store it and deploy out of the country. I even narrated to him a previous bad experience I had had with lying, mischievous companies like this. He promised to be different.
He is not different. These companies take advantage of innocent, needy, and vulnerable people. I should have suspected that something was amiss when he insisted on a check as the only form of payment. This would not be easily cancel-able as would a credit card. This must be a mom-and-pop business after all; not a reputable organization. I am still waiting for my vehicle to be picked up.

Company Response
Tim Johnston from US Direct Auto Shipping Submitted this response.
Response Date: 5/8/2012 5:50:00 PM
We booked a truck within 5 days as promised. The truck driver called several days later to cancel due to mechanical issues. Once the bad review was left we asked the customer to remove the review as we were still working to find him another truck. He refused and became very difficult to work with. There are factors beyond our control such as mechanical issues. It took us less than 3 days to find another truck and the customers vehicle is now on it's way to him. We went above and beyond for this gentleman but some people are impossible to please.