car delivery

Ken Buck Submitted this review about UFirst Auto Transport
Review made Live: 4/16/2012 2:31:00 PM
This was a foul up from the begining. I could never reach them on the first call, always a recording and a call back. I found out from the driver that the assigned subcontractor was never telling the truth. The driver was hired after the original pickup date and sent to Phoenix with a load and then sent to pick up for the return load. He was late doing the pickup and, it seems to me, he was all over the map on the return trip. After a conversation with the subcontract company, Suburban Auto Expiditing, I was told he had broken something on the truck and was behing. When he got to Illinois I found out he had broken the part the day before, not several days ago. They never told the truth.

Company Response
Don from UFirst Auto Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 4/16/2012 3:16:00 PM
We are a bit confused to why this client has posted this review. Firstly he claims we didn't answer the phone when he called in. We are on the phone all day long working with hundreds of vehicles being moved. If a customer calls and gets our voice mail their call is returned within minutes which this client even states. Second the client claims his vehicle was late for pick up. It is indeed true the truck experienced some minor mechanical problems while heading to AZ to pick up this vehicle. The driver and our dispatcher both asked the client if he wanted to be re dispatched on another truck that was in his area or wait for this truck to be repaired which could take a day or two. He response was-( I am already booked on this truck and im not in a rush to get my car so lets just wait.) He mentions we lied. Where? When? How? We have zero reason to lie to this customer or any other and if he was upset because of the unforeseen delay he should of let us schedule him with on the other truck. His vehicle was picked up 1 day late and still delivered on time.