Auto transport

Steve Lancaster Submitted this review about Turbo Auto Transport
Review made Live: 10/14/2011 5:36:00 PM
We have used many different transport Companies in the past and were at the point of flying down to get our own cars all over the U.S. Just too many problems and broken promises.I had an opportunity to have an expensive car shipped to save the mileage from us driving the unit and thought I would give Turbo a chance, To my surprise everything went perfectly (The only time that has truly ever happened!!) I have since used Turbo on many occasions and hold them in very high esteem. Great Company that cares about their clients. The whole group is outstanding!
Aaron, Kim, Sonya, Shari, even Jeff too! Our business runs alot smoother with them looking after the transport of our client vehicles!!!
No one had to pay for this by the way, I highly reccommend Turbo!!!


Steven Lancaster
Vice President
Good Car Solutions Inc.
Calgary Alberta