Amazingly quick, very fair price

Jimmy Submitted this review about Tucker Logistics Corp.
Review made Live: 7/12/2013 8:46:00 PM
Garret was the first to call me (many calls followed, not to mention lots of emails, from other companies) and after spending several hours comparing ratings, BBB grades and such, I called Garret back.
Still somewhat sceptical due to the low price, I decided to go with Tucker just to get things going - the sooner the car got to CA, the better.
Originally I'd planned to drive the car myself, and fly back to NM, but at $600 it would be a wash and I'd save a couple of days of my time by having it shipped.
Man, am I glad I decided to let Garret take care of the transport. The car was picked up the next day (!) and delivered the following day(!!). This was about four days quicker than I had hoped for.
Victor, the driver, also turned out to be a very pleasant to work with. Roadwork, unbeknownst to me, forced him to stop about a mile from the designated drop-off point due to vertical clearance issues.
Did Victor give up or complain? Heck, no. When my wife got him on the phone he was about to unload the upper deck. Yes, Victor was ready to unload enough cars to fit through the restricted tunnel.
My wife hitched a ride to where he was forced to stop, saving Victor from all the extra work he obviously was willing to do in order to go the final mile.
Well, I'd say that Garret and Victor both went the extra mile, if not literally.
Now I know exactly who I'll call when I'm ready to have my six cars shipped.