Tri Star Tucking is a SCAM

Todd Submitted this review about Tristar Trucking
Review made Live: 2/1/2011 7:02:00 PM
I was looking for a company to transport a vehicle i purchased from Missoula MT to Savannah GA. I used a search engine and was a received a welth of responses. Tri Star caught my I becuase they were less than all the others. I gave called them and reviewed the potential contract (order#41455) with Carl. He assured me that was the price. I read the contract line item by line item before giving the a deposit. Before signing the contract I reviewed one more time with Carl to make certian it was correct. I lined out all of the additional charges that would not pertain to me. Carl had assured me that I infact understood the contract correctly and NO OTHER CHARGES would apply to me. As it turns out Carl lied. My rate was $780 and was all inclusive per Carl and multiple reviews of the contract. As it turns out Tri Star trucking is not your broker. Altough the imply they are a broker before you give them a deposit, Tri Star Trucking is a scam. They charge $175 to find a broker for you plus the remaining ballance of your contract if they can find someone at that price. Guess what the price that sounds to good to be true is. So now you have paid $175 for a service you can perform yourself, Plus another broker fee, Plus what they can actually move your car for which is more in line with the actual market or more at this point. There is no savings.After I relized what was going on I called Carl back. (The tucker delivering my vehicle gave me a diferent price at delivery than Carl had on 3 seperate occasions.) I confronted Carl and he tried to act like he was a dispatcher and knew nothing. If Tri Star is not the broker there is nothing for him to dispatch. When confronted with the FACTS Carl became rude,combative and unprofessional. Carl told me I did not read my contract and was full of insults to boot. I asked how he could say that after I reviewed it with him multiple times. Eventually Carl hung up becuase he could not ligitmately defend the lies anymore. My car was now being held for ransom by Tri Star Trucking.The actual trucking company is now caught in the middle.They have offered to move my future vehicles in the future direct and at a discount rather than use Tri Star Trucking agian.This was also their first experience with Tri Star Trucking as well. No one should have to experince this level of poor customer care. I will never use Tri Star Trucking again. I would rather pay more than be lied to. Lies are all Tri Star Trucking is good for!!!!!

Company Response
carl from Tristar Trucking Submitted this response.
Response Date: 2/1/2011 7:43:00 PM
The customer never read any contract with Carl, he is the dispatcher and does not get into that. The only additional charge was the broker fee, which is very clearly described Tristar is definitely the broker of record and can prove that. We felt that this customer was very understanding but did not want to pay the broker fee, since he said why should we make any money, because what did we do ?