Good to bad to good again.

Josh D Submitted this review about Tri-Star Carriers
Review made Live: 11/28/2008 1:31:00 PM
My experience started out well with Tri-Star. Robert was prompt and expedited the pickup of my car in Oklahoma. I was impressed because it was only 3 days untill I would be needing a transport and they kept to their estimate and had a driver lined up for me right away. I gave my deposit and everything seemed great. I flew to Oklahoma to meet with the driver and the previous owner of the car. I had to leave before the driver got there in the afternoon, but everything went well for pickup and the car's prior owner was satisfied when the car left his hands.
We expected to hear from the driver by sunday night, the car left on thursday prior. Saturday I get a call from the driver saying he can deliver the car that night as he is coming in from Boise Idaho and it would help save him a trip back and forth to his yard if he could stop on his way through that night. "Heck Yes!" I exclaimed, a day early even? !... I was stoked. So I made arrangements and met with the driver that evening to pick up my car. Everything went well the transport was fine no damage and it was great so far so I paid the driver his fee and went to work.

Then comes the bad. 2 weeks go by and my wife notices a charge going through on our card for 800 bucks, which was the remainder of the ballance that the driver would get, which he did when I picked up the car. I said" Oh maybe they just do one of those hold things in case you dont pay, that way they secure their money or something." " Perhaps we should call the bank and let them know so we can keep an eye on it ." My wife agreed and we watched it as the charge never got dropped we began to panic. This was the first of the month now and this extra 800 bucks would put our accout at great risk and overdraw us to the point of now $1200+ and we are now accruing charges every day untill the damage is payed for. Well I dont make enough to cover that as now my paycheck has been eaten up by this charge and its fees. We have talked to Nixon (who is apparently the owner) as well as Gino(the manager) and now we are at a point where they will not return our calls. We could have had the issue resolved immediately by having their billing department fax a statement to the bank when we were told by Nixon that it was their internal error and my account got switched with another and that this charge would get reversed. So we waited and gave them the benifit of waiting. Now we have no charge back to our account and have accrued alot of overages and continue to watch it pile up every day now .The worst part is now we cant buy food or even gas to get to work because every penny gets deposited and swallowed by this huge overage charge.Today was my payday and I watched my whole pay check get eaten up to cover this fee. My wife is beside herself and so am I. Every effort to maintain contact with Nixon and Tri-Star is met with voicemail now. He also told my wife that if she got him coppies of the charges that he would help take care of the overage penalties and reverse the 800 bucks to make good, but alas he seems now to be unresponsive. We have left messages about now having to try and secure an attorney to resolve this matter, and we now will have to file with the BBB and Interstate Commerce Commission as well as take legal action. Its unfortunate that they let their red tape get in the way of a simple fax to resolve the issue when we had the chance.

EDIT:) Since my initial posting Nixon has been helpfull with resolving the issues. He did live up to his word for fixing not only the charge from their company but Tri-Star also made good on all of the overage charges we had due to the billing issue. I am happy to say that everything has been resolved. Its obvious that by this company's track record that they make verry few mistakes, and when they do they are honorable and reliable . They will fix things and keep their customer happy. Thank you Nixon and Gino for reassuing and keeping us calm as we worked through the issues we had. And thank you for your customer service as well as taking good care of my car in transport.