This one I trust!

H Tran Submitted this review about Tri-Star Carriers
Review made Live: 8/25/2008 8:37:00 PM
I had placed an ordr with another transportation company 2 weeks ahead of time...One excuse after another, they could not pick my vehicle up because "...No driver was available!" Worse, they can't even tell me when will able to pick up or deliver. Everything they said that they would do for me, they couldn't delivered. 2 days after deadline and many promises, I canceled them and called Tri-Star. Within 1 hour Betty was able to find me a carrier, and set me up. She did not even ask me for my deposit until she could surely get me a driver. She did what she said she would. It only took 5 days in between the first phone call to her and delivery!!! The driver, nick name "Dallas", was courteous and friendly. He was also a "straight shooter." He will "Tell you like it is..." lol. My vehicle came with the same condition as it was when picked up. Thanks Betty and Dallas. I will definitely use you again.

Just in case you want to know, the other company still has not respond back to me in regard to my request of returning my deposit.