A complete waste of my time!

Manuel Aranda Submitted this review about Travelers Auto Transport
Review made Live: 1/29/2022 9:54:00 PM
Travelers Transport ( Vehicles) › Fri, Jan 21, 12:11 PM text messaging back and forth from TAT JOHNNY and myself customer. Me-Johnny what is going on with the status of the pick up? Sunday 2:28 PM Me-1, Manuel Aranda, hereby decline to do any further business with Travelers Auto Transport. As you, Johnny, have chosen to skirt all of your responsibility to your customer and display no integrity and stand by the shipping rate you said you'd " lock in " for me provided, I sign your contract and pay a $250 deposit over a week ago, absolutely nothing has been even communicated in any manner, by phone call, text or email. I ask now for an immediate full refund to the credit card I submitted to secure any business with you or the company you belong to, Travelers Auto Transport. It's a shame that you can't even so much as commit yourself to basic communication with your prospective customer. Awful customer service experience. Reverse that charge to my now, please. .TAT-Travelers Transport ( Vehicles) › Sunday 3:40 PM It's Sunday Manuel. Your communication is limited because you choose not to speak in the phone. I will call you tomorrow thank you Monday 2:30 AM Me-Nice try, but I phoned for Johnny, I'm not sure who wrote the text I'm responding to, because Johnny apparently no longer feels texting is acceptable, ironically enough though it was more then adequate during our communication to sign the contract & pay the deposit.. a selective stance now due to Johnnys limited circumstances? That's clear. If it is Johnny, I don't have to repeat myself again here, you're an adult, it was your choice to not phone or text me back after the email I sent you last week giving yet, one more chance to turn around your lack of basic service that was getting away from you. That offer fell of deaf ears, I guess. As I Never heard from you. It's obvious the business became too much for you to bare because ultimately you never had anything secured with anyone despite your text messages that said otherwise. Then, your mode of defense for all of this you brought on yourself, you attempt to blame our communication by text the reason for your lack of follow through, who do you think will believe that? You, I guess if you say it enough. Man up, own your responsibility in this, Ive done nothing wrong but chosen you to do business with. I've done this 3 other times, and NOTHING like this has ever occurred before. Then to make matters worse you went silent, you talked to the holder of the car instead of communicating at all with me, your customer. Who would have been happy to get a communication from you in any form. You went MIA, and when I phoned your office on Friday to get any information on the service you confirmed with me nearly a week ago & after 3 days of not hearing from you, the gentleman who answered the business phone spoke in your absence. Note: If this is not Johnny i'm responding to and it's the guy I spoke to on Friday, I don't need a phone call from anyone,I've asked you to kindly reverse the $250 deposit on my cc,as confirmed with you on the phone Friday that I might request and of course you said, ok. That's the only business I have left with you. Please at least do as I request, so I can use that deposit with another shipping company that wants to do business with me! Enough of that, who has the time for all this.. send me an invoice copy when the credit is complete. Me-No communication for a week, by phone or text & no reply’s to my texts and after I ask for a refund, Johnny decides to say this: Monday 7:44 AM TAT-¡ HONESTLY DO NOT KNOW WHAT IT IS THAT YOU WANT! We have our entire dispatch team taking care of your vehicle. we already spoke to the seller & have made the arrangements spoke to the seller already what is the issue?? Is it that you feel like ten page text messages will get the vehicle picked up faster? Please stop with the text messaging and pick up a phone to speak to us when you need updates. Thank you Me-10 page texts? How am I supposed to know an arrangement was made? Normally people call the customer to let them know the service has been arranged. So that's why I'm texting you, to get my deposit back because NO ONE has communicated anything to me. I don't want to use your company, I said to Diane in a text yesterday. So if she made an arrangement with you, which I bought, because you say you do a lot of things Travelers Transport ( Vehicles) › you haven't done. I said yesterday to you i wanted to cancel my business with you because i hadn't heard back from anyone about anything. If there was a plan to pick up my car that should've been communicated with me yesterday! I can't believe I'm having to school you on basic communication. Basic communication revolves around phone and not text. I do not see these consistantly, its a software system and not on a phone. It goes to my office compuetr if im not in front of it, i dont get it. Your car is already being picked up, ive dispatched a truck to pick your car up and thats it. you refuse to answer your phone for some reason and it continues to get rearranged. I have a lof of calls from myself and my disnatch team that went dispatch team that went unanswered. So like you said to me |"Man Up)" and answer the phone when i call thank you nin I don't know what game you're playing but of course I just spoke to Diane and she's had no contact with you about anything as of late. There is someone wrong with you and it's not my problem, but I have confirmed with Diane, I no longer feel comfortable using your service, given all of your fictitious explanations. Please do not contact me or Diane any further. TAT-I refuse to be spoken to like a child. I dont know makes you think you can speak to me that way but the seller was contacted on 1/20 regarding this toyota. thank you • Travelers Transport ( Vehicles) > Me-When you act like a child and lie about doing something when you know it not to be true, guess you would consider any push back as, being talked to like a child. There you go again with your lack of communication skill set. You talked to the seller on the 20th briefly, at that time, like most likely how it is now, you had nothing to tell her. Now all of the sudden in the context of your text, you suggest by saying you've confirmed with her a pick up thats implying you had another conversation with her and you have not. And, my phone is perfectly fine, if you called you would have gotten voicemail, and there are no messages from anyone about this so called arrangement. It's best we part ways, thanks anyway JA Text Message