Superb Service

Shaine Submitted this review about Transport Connection
Review made Live: 1/18/2011 1:37:00 PM
This is the second time I have used Transport to ship our vehicle from state to state and the service has been superior in every single area of service. The car has always arrived earlier than it was scheduled and Bill does. An excellent job with keeping his customers up to date and informed. Anyone who says they have issues with this company obviously has issues of their own. @ Will your sour report of this company is so wrong and out of line. Ever heard of" if you have nothing good to say. Say nothing at all?" Applies in this situation. Don't post false info. About this company especially when its not truthful. Transport Connection is top of the line service and I recommend it to all!!! Take it from a customer that has always used them and will always. They are amazing service......