Great service

FeMarie Submitted this review about Transport Connection
Review made Live: 1/24/2013 2:01:00 PM
After finding out that my family was relocating from Texas to New York, I contacted numerous brokers and auto carriers. Initially, I tried to stay away from brokers because of the horror stories that I read on this website. When Bill from Transport Connection returned my inquire about a quote, I was a bit cautious because he is a broker. However, he explained that as a broker, he actually conducts business the "right way" as oppose to other companies in the auto transport business, who will say one thing and do another or completely cut themselves out of the equation once a carrier accepts the bid. Bill also explained to me some of the important aspects of the auto transport business including why the rates of other brokers or companies are cheaper. Overall, Bill helped me put my worries to ease. He communicated efficiently and the carrier that he hired was extremely pleasant to deal with. I would not hesitate to contact Bill again should we ever need to transport our vehicles. Highly recommened!