Bill saved the day!!!

Judith Goldberg Submitted this review about Transport Connection
Review made Live: 11/16/2012 10:07:00 AM
I originally contracted with another company from South Florida who promised me that my car would be picked no later than November 2nd. After waiting 5 days with no carrier showing up and no response from the broker whenever I called, I chose to research on this site. I found that Transport Connection had the best reviews, I called and spoke with and felt immediately at ease with his personabilty, understanding of current situationand proffessionalism.
I booked the order and gave him a deposit and within 30 minutes he had me on the phone witha carrier. My car was picked up and delivered without incedent. I would stongly recommend contaacting Bill, es[cially if you've never shipped a car before. He'll teach you all you need to know about the industry and the entire process...