Very Good Customer Service

Marie Morris Submitted this review about Transport Connection
Review made Live: 7/16/2012 3:18:00 AM
Bill Avrich really help me to get my car...and i got my car earlier than the day that they told me....And i'm happy for that....Thank you so much Bill for having such a good customer support...He really not going to stop until he tranport my car...And now my car is here with me now, not like the other transport company that they told me at first that they can transport my car last June 19 but it's already July 5th and they still not transporting my car that's why i cancelled it...And then i saw the name of Bill (Transport Connection) that he got a good reviews...and i called him and i did the right my car is here with me in just 1 week....Thank you so much Bill

Company Response
Bill Avrich from Transport Connection Submitted this response.
Response Date: 7/16/2012 11:22:00 AM
Non-compensated review. Customer checked box by mistake.