Nervous First Time Transporter

BG Submitted this review about Transport Central
Review made Live: 3/31/2010 12:17:00 AM
I requested quotes on a Saturday and received form-letter replys from 6 companies telling me that they would provide a quote/bid on Monday when they returned to the office. However, I did receive 4 personilzed replies with quotes. 3 of the 4 were in the $600 - 650 range. One quote was only $508, and provided a website to begin the order process. I quickly jumped on the lowest price and completed my order via the web. I was able to enjoy the rest of my weekend knowing that I secured a quick pick-up and low price for transporting my brand new vehicle with 19 miles on it. On Monday morning, the house phone rang off the hook. Every auto transporter in the country wanted my business. One company offerred to match any price. I called and had to leave a message. I was in the middle of playing phone tag with that company when Richard from Transport Central called to confirm my web order. He was polite and helpful. He offerred a pre-pay option at pickup so that the person waiting on the other end would not have to pay anything to receive the vehicle. I paid the requested $150 deposit and confirmed my order with Richard. I felt good about the process. Shortly after, I got a call back from the company I was trying to get to match Richard's price. It was during that call that I was told about this site, I was directed here and told by the other company that I was probably scammed and that Transport Central was new and only open for 10 days. I was then told to call them back when nobody picked up my car and they ran off with my deposit. I was VERY nervous at this point. I did some more research and found out that Transport Central has been in business longer than 10 days, it was just that they were new to this site. Nonetheless, I felt compelled to call Richard back to confirm the order. Again, Richard made me feel comfortable. The vehicle was picked up by a very polite and thorough driver. He loaded the vehicle safely and anticipated delivery in 2 days. The vehicle was delivered in two days. No issues, no problems. For this reason, I am posting this review to assist other first time transporters, and also to thank Richard for the flawless transaction. I recommend Transport Central to anyone looking for an honest, fair, reliable, easy auto transport.