Major Delays/dismissive attitude towards concerns

Eve Submitted this review about Trans Auto Transport FL LLC
Review made Live: 8/13/2012 1:46:00 PM
I was initially truly excited to have my car shipped, while I flew to my destination. Communication while setting up the pickup date/timeframe was excellent. Questions answered, etc.

My pickup date was a morning timeframe. Noon came, nothing.
I had to leave by 4pm, so I called my contact. A dispatcher called saying the new ETA was 3pm as the driver had a flat (he wasn't far from my city at the time). Ok, I was nervous of the close timeframe to my leaving but remained patient. 4pm, nothing. My prepaid cab arrives and I canceled him because I needed to make sure my car was shipped. 10 minutes after the driver calls. I am to leave my keys under the bumper.

Now caught in a bind, I agree and leave in another cab. ($40 lost from canceling the prepaid one). I was worried of someone else finding my keys and the car being stolen. I call the next day and find it still hasn't been picked up. 1am the next morning its finally picked up.
I'm puzzled why a flat tire delay caused my car's pickup to be delayed by 2 days.

3 days later I'm told the driver is still in the same state. I was thinking I'd receive the car between 4-5 days. My initial contact was usually great at getting back to me. Overall, I felt my concerns were dismissed. I emailed customer service and received a voicemail with a dismissive tone as if to ask why I was complaining. I received my car at 1am on the 6th day and the driver tells me "I've been hearing bad things about've been bad mouthing the company."
I didn't mind the outside of my car being dirty, but the inside has caked on dust like it was driven with the windows down in a dust storm.

1.) If the initial timeframe agreed upon cannot be met because the driver is going to be TWO days late, can't a different driver can be assigned?.
2.) what kind of customer service bad mouths the customer between themselves, and to the driver who basically confronts the customer for complaining??

The non-chalant attitude towards customer concerns was disturbing.

Company Response
Alan Matos from Trans Auto Transport FL LLC Submitted this response.
Response Date: 8/14/2012 10:34:00 AM
We first apologize for this terrible experience and ensure you that this is not a common occurrence with Transauto Transport. Your vehicle was brokered out to a carrier named ¨NoDoubt Auto Transport¨, unfortunately, we made the mistake of not rescheduling with another carrier when your transport was already becoming complicated. We have contacted this company and discussed the extensive complaints aimed at there customer service and overall performance. Nevertheless, we do take responsibility to putting you in through this ordeal and offer out services at a discount price if you decide to transport another vehicle in the future.