Helpful Even Months Later

Seven Suarez Submitted this review about Total Car Shipping
Review made Live: 11/26/2008 11:49:00 AM
Tanya and Danny walked me through the whole process, the drop off was convenient (and really early) and everything was great.
I really put their customer service to the test months later when a dispute arose with my terrible old insurance company. The car was fine but my insurance company wouldn't cancel the old policy- and were charging me!- until I could proove the car had been insured by someone else. I didn't get new insurance for months because I wasn't driving so I owed a bunch of money for nothing. TCS includes insurance during shipping so a way around this loophole was to prove that I had insurance when the car was shipped, 2 months before I got a new policy. Tanya was knowledgeable and helpful and took the time to fax proof and then more proof to my agent showing the car had been insured way back when my old policy was supposed to end.
TCS was reasonably priced, fast and offered great service. These are helpful people.