Total Car Shipping Destroyed my Life

Diane Rubio Submitted this review about Total Car Shipping
Review made Live: 4/14/2012 7:51:00 PM
I contracted Total Car Shipping to ship my car from New Jersey to Hawaii. They contracted Universal Trucking & Logistics to handle my vehicle. As I was busy travelling & touring I had expected this company to handle the move for me. When two weeks went by past due for delivery, I received a call from a stranger from AJACO towing threatening to liquidate my car if I did not hand him $3,000. I notified Total Car Shipping who assured me they were going to resolve the situation for me. Days passed and I received a phone call from the owner of Total Car Shipping saying that my car was basically stolen and that Total Car Shipping was not liable for it. In the contract on the website before you seal the deal it says that Total Car Shipping is responsible to get you into the hands of reliable shippers. In the contract they hand you after you seal the deal it says that they are not liable for theft or damage to your vehicle. Total Car Shipping refused to take any responsibility, gave me the roundabout on the phone to different departments who were incompetent and horrible at getting back to me. I am out of $5,000+ & stil havel no car thanks to this to company who hooked me up with a bunch of thugs & offered no help. I will never use this company again.