7239 Lonzo St.
Los Angeles CA, 91042
There are a few factors that affect the price of the shipment. Here are a few of them
1. Distance is a huge factor when determining the price of the shipment. As one would imagine, the longer the distance, the higher the price.
2. Flexibility on the pickup and delivery windows. Accommodating tight time frames requires more resources and work, which is the reason behind the high price for expedited shipping.
3. Make and model of the vehicle(s) plays a significant role in pricing. Prices drop and rise depending on the car's weight, height, dimensions, and ground clearance.
4. Vehicle condition matters. Transporting inoperable vehicles is more expensive, requiring specialized equipment, tools, and labor. Therefore shipping vehicles that are in perfect condition is more affordable.
5. Type of transportation: Open or enclosed shipment. Choosing the correct type of transportation for your vehicle is very important. Where open transport may be the cheapest way to have your vehicle moved, it won't always be the best choice, depending on the car in question. It is advisable to discuss the option with an expert. Best Regards
Tempus Logix Vehicle Transportation. www.TempusLogix.com
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