Suncoasr Auto Transport Shipment

John K Submitted this review about Suncoast Auto Transport Inc.
Review made Live: 11/24/2012 1:38:00 PM
Suncoast originally bid $725. I had bids below $600, a few in the $600's and a few higher than $725. I chose Suncoast because I was warned that the lowest priced people won't be able to move the car for those prices. Asked if Suncoast could do $700 and they said it shouldn't be a problem so booked shipment with them. The day after booking I received a phone call from Suncoast that it would cost $250 more to book the shipment. Why did they offer $725 and accept $700? Another day went by and I called them , spoke to someone else and raised the price to $800 to move the car. It was accepted later that day . It's Suncoast's business to offer a bid at a price they can ship at. Big difference between $700 and $950. They should be aware of shipping costs. It's their only business.

In all fairness, all the other bidding companies with lower quotes would not have been able to do the shipment as quoted either so they are even worse.

Also the driver they chose, Axial Transport, was very professional and courteous. Only problem was that car was shipped on top row behind the cab and in close proximity to exhaust stack. Lots of diesel exhaust grit over the car. Hope some soap and water removes it.

Have fun shipping your car. I learned a lot. You will too.

Company Response
Becky from Suncoast Auto Transport Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 11/27/2012 10:42:00 PM
Suncoast quotes our customers at the standard rate for their paticular vehicle and route. All customers are informed upon booking that although we are willing to try and locate a carrier for a lower price, it may take longer to secure a carrier at the lower rate since they pick up the standard and expedited priced vehicles first. It is our dispatcher's job to contact our customers with every available option so that they have the oppotunity to make a decision that works best for them regarding dates and price. Our customers can expedite a transport at any time, as this customer chose to do and we asigned his carrier the very same day. We are always happy to hear that our drivers do a great job, as we only use top rated carriers.