
Benjamin Chanyi Submitted this review about Streamline Auto Transport
Review made Live: 5/25/2007 12:38:00 AM
I dont know where the blame in this whole matter lies to tell you the truth. From my understanding now Streamline is just a broker who advertised this vehicle and it was actually transported by somebody else, while Streamline earned a small commision on the transaction. The major problem was that I specifically stated that this vehicle was to be shipped only fully enclosed and that I would pay the extra to do so. It came to my attention by the seller that the vehicle was picked up by an open carrier and transported 6 hours up to Montreal before being loaded onto a Rail Car. I would have never agreed to this. Streamline says they were unaware of this and stated that it had to be enclosed, while the people they contracted said they told Streamline this would be the situation. I really dont know who is lying, the only thing I know is that I did not get what I paid for. It took almost 2 months for me to get my car. There was a Rail Strike going on which I admit would have affected the delivery time, but it took amost 1 month just to pick up the car. It was not the greatest experience I have had to say the least. Please contact me if you have any questions, I would be glad to help if I can.

Company Response
Joanne Harvey from Streamline Auto Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 5/25/2007 3:51:00 PM
First, I would like to thank Ben for giving an honest review. The fact is that the transport company admitted to me that they received an order for enclosed transport and that possibly could be picked up by open truck and transported to the rail of which was enclosed. I sent the order and told them if they could not fill the order for fully enclosed then do not accept. Jerry admitted to me that I did make that clear. I have written proof of their claiming to pick up with-in 10 days. I admit the rail is not the way to go! I will never use a rail again. Two disasters is enough and totally out of my control! The promises that are claimed are not reliable!