Lack of Performance

Walter McCandless Submitted this review about Stateway Auto Transport
Review made Live: 10/1/2009 9:06:00 AM
I contracted with Stateway Auto Transport on on August 6 to transport a Farmall Cub tractor from Trout Run, PA to Arroyo Grande, CA. Communicating with Stateway was a nightmare. They typically did not answer the phone, referring you to voice mail. They did not respond to voice mail messages, and their voice mailboxes were frequently full. They also did not respond to emails. After receiving numerous pickup commitments, the pickup was never made. Excuses ranged from needing a special trailer to driver already had full load. On Sep. 17, out of the blue, a quote, identical to the original was sent with no explanation. On Sep. 18, the contract with Stateway was canceled, but no cancellation acknowledgement was received until I called several days later. I chose Stateway because of excellent reviews and very competitive pricing. Apparently other customers' experience has been better than mine.