Response to Stateway's Respons

Steven Submitted this review about Stateway Auto Transport
Review made Live: 10/16/2013 1:06:00 PM
By posting this response to Stateway's response to my review, TR rules dictate that the original review and response get removed. To receive a copy of the original review and rebuttal by Stateway, you can email me at You really should read both to form an educated opinion as to what really happened.

I have replaced my full name with asterisks.

STATEWAY CLAIM: "We also have emails from Mr. *******stating that unless we send him a check, he will write up negative reviews for our company on multiple sites in an attempt to sabotage our business. This is blackmail by definition and our lawyers have been contacted."

RESPONSE: First of all,you don't need a lawyer for this. Blackmail is a criminal offense, not a civil one. If you truly have this email, give it to the police. Produce this email that I supposedly sent. If you cannot produce it, then it is because it is not true, and do not try to manufacture one because that will be simple to refute and manufacturing evidence is definitely a criminal offense.

STATEWAY CLAIM that I signed off on the vehicle "as is".

RESPONSE: My sister accepted the vehicle after delivery looking for damage because I was out of the country. Who would think to look for bald tires caused from unauthorized reckless use while the car was supposedly in Aimee Transportations "secure" lot?

STATEWAY CLAIM "Then a few days after the car was in his possesion, Mr. *******decided to call our office and demand that we fix his vehicle"

RESPONSE: Here is an excerpt from my email to Stateway. Judge for yourself if I was demanding payment:

"Unfortunately the saga of the Lexus has continued, and not in a good way. I received notification of two toll violations in Miami at 12:15 am with a photo of the Lexus and the plate.

I have not yet had the mileage checked on the Lexus vs what it was when it left California, but I will have that in the next few days.

I sincerely hope that this car was not being used when it was supposedly in storage. Perhaps you can ask your supplier, Aimee for an explanation. There was no authorization given from me for anyone to drive that car other than on and off the truck."

Maybe Stateway can read a demand to fix the car in that, I certainly cannot. Also, I defy them to show that I called their office at ANY time after the discovery was made. That leaves only email: to that I say "Show Me".

STATEWAY CLAIM " Mr. ******claims that we used a subcontracted carrier without notifying him are propesterous "

RESPONSE: Where did I make that claim? Please show me in my review where it is as you claim, or in any email I sent. Actually, I sent them an email on June 3rd, four days after the car was picked up asking who had the car. Here is their response.

"Good Afternoon,

the name of your carrier is CP Auto Transport 786-353-2468 Your COD due to the driver is 800.00.


So obviously I knew there was a sub carrier. Unfortunately, it looks to me like they had no idea who actually had the car, as it was actually Aimee Transport. Give you a warm and fuzzy feeling?

STATEWAY CLAIM: When Mr. ******attempted to file a claim with the Carrier's insurance, they denied it based on the simple fact that he did not report the claim upon receiving his vehicle.

RESPONSE: Really!!?? I beg you to back that statement up with a single fact. I will take anything. Email, letter, denial of coverage from the insurer. Anything at all. If you have it, show it, otherwise people may realize you fabricated that statement.

To add further to the credibility of Stateway, after I posted my initial review on, I got this email from TR :


This email is to let you know your review was removed from our site at The reason for removal is that Stateway Auto Transport is unable to locate your order and has no way of proving that you are a customer of theirs. "

Within a few hours I was able to prove them wrong, and TR was kind enough to put the review up again. How they (Stateway) can say they cannot prove I was a customer after multiple emails going back and forth over the last several months, all of which had an order number on them is beyond me. I wonder why?

Lastly, here is an excerpt from the last email I received from Stateway:

"If you are willing to remove the review today I am willing to offer to pay $500.00 a month until the repair cost is fully reimbursed."

For the record, I have no intentions of removing the review any more than the Better Business Bureau will remove the 127 complaints filed against Stateway Auto Transport over the last three years resulting in a C- rating. Check for yourselves at

Company Response
Anna from Stateway Auto Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 10/16/2013 1:26:00 PM
We at Stateway value every customers oppinion and are always striving to better our service based off of the feedback we recieve. With that said, it is important to point out a few very important points regarding this order. First and foremost the company that transported Mr. Steven Argosy's vehicle was not Stateway Auto Transport but was a subcontractor called Aimee Transport. Our company is a broker/carrier which means that we ship on our own trucks and utilize subcontractors when necessary. All of the companies we work with are fully insured (we require all carriers to hold a $1,000,000 cargo coverage policy like we do), and have been in business for at least five years. When this customer received their vehicle on delivery he did not file a damage report and signed for the vehicle accepting it in a 'as is' condition. Then a few days after the car was in his possesion, Mr. Argosy decided to call our office and demand that we fix his vehicle. Mr. Argosy's claims that we used a subcontracted carrier without notifying him are propesterous as every customer, upon the dispatching of their vehicle, receives several automaticly generated notification and confirmation emails letting them know who will be picking up the vehicle, when the vehicle will be picked up and the drivers personal phone number in case they need to reach them. When Mr. Argosy attempted to file a claim with the Carrier's insurance, they denied it based on the simple fact that he did not report the claim upon receiving his vehicle. WE STRONGLY RECOMEND THAT ALL CUSTOMERS DO A THOROUGH INSPECTION OF THEIR VEHICLE ON DELIVERY PRIOR TO SIGNING ANY PAPERWORK. We had explained all this in great detail but Mr. Argosy insists that our company be held responsible for the alleged actions of a completely separate third-party trucking company. We also have emails from Mr. Argosy stating that unless we send him a check, he will write up negative reviews for our company on multiple sites in an attempt to sabotage our business. This is blackmail by definition and our lawyers have been contacted. We tried to reach out to this customer numerous times since he posted this review but he has refused to answer any of our calls or emails. We thank you for taking the time to read this response and visiting our page. We hope you have a great day!