Best Driver & Transport Company

Gerry P Submitted this review about Stateway Auto Transport
Review made Live: 6/23/2013 11:27:00 AM
I did a lot of research & read the reviews for many companies, which is important, since this is not an everyday experience. I have transported once 10 years ago, so I had a little (Good) experience, & I had more knowledge than any of my friends about this. Open transport is very safe, the outside is a little dusty, but once through a carwash & your car looks new again (I moved a NEW car!).

I set up one pickup time, but my flight was rescheduled & I needed my car for an additional week. Stateway Auto Transport Crew was very accommodating, and rescheduled accordingly. The driver was very punctual calling me ahead of time with his ETA. When he arrived he was very courteous, polite, and professional. He was a very good driver & secures my vehicle to an upper front area (one of the highest!). He said that maybe another driver would deliver, but I told him that I would pay cash...this may have made a difference, because I got my car quickly.

Cross-country delivery is different, because you do need to give the transport carrier time to get there. I got on a plane, spent a few days with my daughter & grandson, and by the time I arrived at my son & grandchildren's home, the driver called & to confirm delivery! (A couple days ahead of schedule!)

My car was perfect (A little outside dusty, but that was expected). The original representative Adam was very knowledgeable, able to understand what my objectives were, and able to come up with a plan & amount that was fair & agreeable. I had previously checked companies 6 months prior: although some companies charge/promise a lower rate they may NOT be reliable, you MUST go with what is fair. I believe Stateway Auto Transport was the best company to use, & I was extremely satisfied