Great Service

RB Submitted this review about Stateway Auto Transport
Review made Live: 1/16/2013 8:26:00 AM
The service was excellent. The drivers made contact 24 hours before pick up and delivery as promised. Stateway Auto transport was always available when I needed to contact them. After giving them my tracking number, 823826, they immediately could give me the status of my car

I was moving back to Texas after spending two years working in Utah. The cost of shipping my car, $685, plus airfare for me to fly to Texas was less than it would have cost me to drive, considering gas, hotel bills and food. Plus I didn't have to worry about driving that distance by myself. I'm almost 60 years old and don't like to drive as much as I used to.

I expected my car to be delivered on the 24th of December. The drivers called and said they would try to deliver on the 23rd. In the afternoon of the 23rd they called and said they needed to rest overnight. I have a commercial drivers license and know the law is very strict on time on the road between rest steps. They were in San Antonio and promised they would have my car delivered on the 24th.

They called me about 4:00 PM on the 24th and said they were 30 minutes out. About 25 minutes later they showed up. They were some great guys. I knew they had to be tired but they were all smiles and cheery. Their homes were about an hour and half away and they just wanted to be home for Christmas. My car was their last delivery.

Even though they wanted to get home, they didn't try to rush me as I inspected my car.

So on Christmas Eve, I got my car and they got home for Christmas. Nice for all of us.