Delivered, but a hassle

Jerry Submitted this review about Stateway Auto Transport
Review made Live: 11/30/2012 12:14:00 PM
The car was delivered, and the fact it took 8 days rather than 6 was not a problem. There were three problems. 1. I told the rep who took the order that the vehicle had to be picked up on Wednesday, because they had to plan ahead and stay home from work to be there. The rep assured me he understood, but I learned later he made no notes to that effect, so the dispatcher and driver never heard that from Stateway. They tried to pick up on Monday, then asked for Thursday when I reached them. The seller, who took off work on Wednesday, made it clear to them that was the only day. They finally came about 10 pm on Weds.
2. The car arrived on the bottom of the transporter, and the vehicle above it had leaked transmission fluid over the windshield and hood. (When loaded in Cal. it was on top. In the future I would pay for top loading or an enclosed transport. This was not Stateway's fault, BUT
3. I chose Stateway because they were listed as a broker and transporter. They assured me they were transporters. But they didn't tell me they also sell their orders, acting like any other broker. If I had known that, I would have chosen another company.
Altogether, I did not experience good customer service. I had to threaten them and get the phone number of the dispatcher they'd sold the order to so that I could make the pickup happen on time.
Bottom line, I hope other brokers and transporters are better than this. I will try a different one next time.
UPDATE: After I posted this less-than-stellar review, I was contacted three times by supervisors asking me to take the review down in return for money. That's not honest in my book.