Transporting a dead car

Jane Lea Submitted this review about Stateway Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/29/2012 2:19:00 PM
I first have to say, I was overwhelmed by the 100+ responses I received when I asked for a quote. I had quotes from $275 -1150. Most were in the $475-650 range. Even today as I type this, I had a vender call asking if I got the car moved, CRAZY. I had to educate myself quick on Google in the process and I had a lot of good information from other venders of what to look for in choosing transport companies.
I started getting calls on the first day and made a decision from the venders who had 5 star ratings on the second day. They had a transport driver call me first thing the following morning asking for further information. This caught me a little off guard because I was told they would contact me first. However, Raul called and kept me informed of the progress of getting my car picked up and delivered to California. The driver was running late and fortunately the mechanic's shop where the car was being delivered made arrangements to be available after hours for him to drop my car.
I was very happy with the experience.