Wouldn't deliver to destination

Paul Goodwin Submitted this review about Speedy Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/18/2009 2:51:00 PM
The driver refused to deliver the car to the contracted destination. He unloaded it in a shopping center and I had to come (1 mile) to get the car and drive it back to my house.

Now this car was not registered or insured nor was it street legal since it is a dedicated track car. The driver said he didn't want to bring his trailer in to our neighbor hood. So I had to drive this car in through a town notorious for over zelous traffic cops.

Our neighbor hod is a gated neighborhood with wide streets and virtually no traffic. Moving vans nearly double his size have no problem in our neighborhood but the driver wouldn't budge and had already taken the car off of the truck.

My choice was to come get the car or not get the car.